Welcome to the PC Matic Process Library. We maintain an extensive list of common processes running on today’s PCs. Within this library you can learn more about the processes running on your machine.
Vendor: Mailshell.com |
Product: Mailshell SpamCatcher Gateway |
Vendor Website: http://www.mailshell.com/mail/client/fd.html |
Last Seen by PC Matic: No Data |
Purpose: admin.exe - Please note the file path on admin.exe as this file name is used by more than one application. If the file path is: Program Files\Defender Pro Anti Spam\ , then you are using a ligitimate spam blocking program from Mailshell.
admin.exe is a user invoked program and a normal part of PC operations. No action required.
Percentage of recently scanned PC's with this process running: 0.00%
Average CPU use for this program: 0%
Average RAM for this program: 4 MB
Program Name | MD5 Count |
admin.exe |