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File Extension - Detail

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File Extension Library - Detail

Open file extension dat: dat

, application/dat, application/inquisit3-data, chemical/x-ccdb, text/inquisit, text/inquisit-data3

Open Extension With:

Name File Name Manufacturer Prevalence Download
PowerDVD powerdvd.exe CyberLink Corp. 48.92%
5KPlayer 5kplayer.exe DearMob 11.03%
Notepad notepad.exe Microsoft Corporation 5.86%
Acer Video Player acervideoplayer.exe Acer Incorporated 4.61%
Wondershare Video Converter Ultimate videoconverterultimate.exe Wondershare Software 4.01%
Cool Edit Pro coolpro2.exe Syntrillium Software Corporation 2.88%
GOM Player gom.exe Gretech Corp. 2.57%
StoneRiver FSC Rater Application fsc.exe StoneRiver FSC 1.43%
EMITest emitest32.exe CKC Laboratories, Inc. 1.38%
The KMPlayer kmplayer.exe Pandora.TV 1.15%
Alphaedit aedit.exe Licom Systems Ltd 1.04%
MediaPlayerLite mpl.exe MediaPlayerLite 0.91%
MAGIX Digital Foto Maker 8 fotomaker.exe MAGIX 0.85%
Internet Explorer iexplore.exe Microsoft Corporation 0.83%
UniConverter Player vcplayer.exe Wondershare 0.77%
Media Player Classic - Home Cinema mpc-hc.exe MPC-HC Team 0.73%
VideoPad Video Editor videopad.exe NCH Software 0.72%
FormatPlayer formatplayer.exe FreeTime 0.66%
Windows Media Player wmplayer.exe Microsoft Corporation 0.53%
potplayermini64.exe potplayermini64.exe 0.52%
embird.exe embird.exe 0.49%
WordPerfect for Windows 7 startup executable wpwin.exe Corel Corporation 0.43%
PSpice simulator and Probe waveform viewer pspice.exe Cadence Design Systems 0.43%
File Association Manager fam.exe 0.41%
Windows Wordpad Application wordpad.exe Microsoft Corporation 0.36%
KMPlayer 64X kmplayer64.exe KMPlayer Team 0.36%
Free File Viewer freefileviewer.exe Bitberry Software 0.29%
Line Sweep Tools lst.exe Anritsu Company 0.24%
The FTW Transcriber ftwt.exe Tyger Valley Systems 0.2%
AVS Media Player avsmediaplayer.exe Online Media Technologies Ltd. 0.19%
Win8 DVD Player win8dvdplayer.exe Win8 DVD Player Team 0.18%
Daum PotPlayer potplayermini.exe Daum Communications 0.17%
SEL SynchroWAVe Event synchrowaveevent.exe Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc. 0.16%
Windows Photo Viewer photoviewer.dll Microsoft Corporation 0.15%
Adobe Acrobat 9.0 acrobat.exe Adobe Systems Incorporated 0.14%
ARM armstrt.exe Gylling Data Management, Inc. 0.14%
Microsoft Office Picture Manager ois.exe Microsoft Corporation 0.13%
Media Player tvp.exe 0.13%
Open Freely openfreely.exe 0.13%
TecQuipment VDAS vdas.exe TecQuipment 0.13%
VLC media player vlc.exe the VideoLAN Team 0.12%
Media Center ehshell.exe Microsoft Corporation 0.12%
Era Launcher eral.exe Sierra Technology Group S.A. 0.12%
ArcSoft TotalMedia Theatre udtstart.exe ArcSoft Inc. 0.11%
winxdvd.exe winxdvd.exe 0.11%
AccessBook Creator abcreator.exe 住友セメントシステム開発株式会社 0.11%
Firefox firefox.exe Mozilla Corporation 0.1%
Creative MediaSource 5 Player ctcmsu.exe Creative Technology Ltd 0.1%
PhotoStage Slideshow Producer photostage.exe NCH Software 0.09%
Era Launcher eol.exe Sierra Technology Group S.A. 0.09%
ttscope.exe ttscope.exe 0.09%
Nero ShowTime showtime.exe Nero AG 0.08%
EOS eos.exe Mozilla Corporation 0.08%
smplayer_portable.exe smplayer_portable.exe 0.07%
Past-Track Application past-track.exe LandAirSea Systems, Inc. 0.07%
Eolsoft Winmail Opener wmopener.exe Eolsoft 0.07%
BrainMaster Avatar master40.exe BrainMaster Technologies 0.07%
UltraEdit Professional Text/Hex Editor uedit32.exe IDM Computer Solutions, Inc. 0.06%
Haihaisoft Universal Player hmplayer.exe Haihaisoft 0.06%
Video hpvideo.exe ArcSoft Inc. 0.06%
TurboDB 6 Viewer turbodb6viewer.exe dataweb GmbH 0.06%
ALLPlayer - the Best Media Player allplayer.exe ALLPlayer 0.05%
Embroidery Application stitchsew2.exe Compucon S.A. 0.05%
PowerDVD 12 powerdvd12.exe CyberLink Corp. 0.05%
Microsoft® Works Word Processor wkswp.exe Microsoft® Corporation 0.04%
wlxphotogallery.exe wlxphotogallery.exe 0.04%
Winmail Reader winmailreader.exe Kopf 0.04%
Database System Utility dbsys.exe Elevate Software 0.04%
Microsoft® Works Spreadsheet wksss.exe Microsoft® Corporation 0.03%
Microsoft Office Excel excel.exe Microsoft Corporation 0.03%
XML Editor msoxmled.exe Microsoft Corporation 0.03%
iTunes itunes.exe Apple Inc. 0.03%
Google Chrome chrome.exe Google Inc. 0.03%
Media Player Classic mplayerc.exe Gabest 0.03%
DVDXPlayer dvdxplayer.exe DVD X Studios 0.03%
Itinerary Converter & Planner itnconv.exe Benichou Software 0.03%
megalogviewerhd.exe megalogviewerhd.exe 0.03%
PPTV网络电视 pptvlauncher.exe PPLive Corporation 0.03%
pcs-datalog.exe pcs-datalog.exe Powertrain Control Solutions 0.03%
Microsoft Office Word winword.exe Microsoft Corporation 0.02%
Microsoft Office PowerPoint powerpnt.exe Microsoft Corporation 0.02%
Windows Live Movie Maker moviemaker.exe Microsoft Corporation 0.02%
Notepad++ : a free (GNU) source code editor notepad++.exe Don HO [email protected] 0.02%
Adobe Photoshop CS4 photoshop.exe Adobe Systems, Incorporated 0.02%
RealPlayer realplay.exe RealNetworks, Inc. 0.02%
Picasa Photo Viewer picasaphotoviewer.exe Google Inc. 0.02%
WordPerfect X4 wpwin14.exe Corel Corporation 0.02%
PDVDLaunchPolicy Application pdvdlaunchpolicy.exe CyberLink Corp. 0.02%
Webshots Photo Manager Launcher launcher.exe 0.02%
AOL Software aol.exe AOL, LLC. 0.02%
Golden Software Surfer surfer.exe Golden Software, Inc. 0.02%
mseditor.exe mseditor.exe 0.02%
Adobe Collaboration Synchronizer 9.3 adobecollabsync.exe Adobe Systems Incorporated 0.02%
腾讯视频 qqlive.exe Tencent 0.02%
SnapGene snapgene.exe GSL Biotech LLC 0.02%
3nity Media Player 3nity.exe 3nity Media Player 0.02%
Thunderbird thunderbird.exe Mozilla Messaging 0.01%
Microsoft Office Outlook outlook.exe Microsoft Corporation 0.01%
Microsoft® Works msworks.exe Microsoft® Corporation 0.01%
QuickTime Player quicktimeplayer.exe Apple Inc. 0.01%
WinRAR archiver winrar.exe Alexander Roshal 0.01%
Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007 infopath.exe Microsoft Corporation 0.01%
zplayer.exe zplayer.exe 0.01%
swriter.exe swriter.exe 0.01% 3.1 soffice.exe 0.01%
utorrent.exe utorrent.exe 0.01%
Adobe Photoshop Elements 5.0 (Editor) photoshopelementseditor.exe Adobe Systems, Incorporated 0.01%
Media Player Classic - Homecinema mpc-hc64.exe mpc-hc@Sourceforge 0.01%
Microsoft Streets & Trips 2006 streets.exe Microsoft Corporation 0.01%
Quicken Launcher qw.exe Intuit Inc. 0.01%
Microsoft Office Word Viewer wordview.exe Microsoft Corporation 0.01%
IrfanView i_view32.exe Irfan Skiljan 0.01%
CorelDRAW(R) coreldrw.exe Corel Corporation 0.01%
PDF Converter Professional 5 pdfplus.exe Nuance Communications, Inc. 0.01%
Creative MediaSource Player ctcms.exe Creative Technology Ltd 0.01%
jetAudio jetaudio.exe JetAudio, Inc. 0.01%
HP QuickPlay qp.exe CyberLink Corp. 0.01%
7-Zip File Manager 7zfm.exe Igor Pavlov 0.01%
MAGIX Digital Foto Maker 2008 fotoma~1.exe MAGIX 0.01%
Movavi Media Player mediaplayer.exe 0.01%
Panneau de configuration Périphériques d’images imagingdevices.exe Microsoft Corporation 0.01%
ALShow alshow.exe ESTsoft corp. 0.01%
smplayer.exe smplayer.exe 0.01%
WordPerfect X5 wpwin15.exe Corel Corporation 0.01%
AgExpert Analyst analyst.exe FCC Management Software 0.01%
Inquisit inquisit.exe Millisecond Software 0.01%
Free File Opener freefileopener.exe IQ Software, Inc. 0.01%
DAPlayer - HD Blu-Ray Player daplayer.exe Digiarty Software 0.01%
ALPlayer alplayer.exe ESTsoft corp. 0.01%
Steam tes.exe Valve Corporation 0.01%
Multi Channel measuring application multichannel.exe TiePie engineering 0.01%
realplayermini.exe realplayermini.exe 0.01%
umplayer.exe umplayer.exe 0.01%
Room Viewer 7 Executable rv.exe TimeSaver Software 0.01%
Forget Me Not Reminder Application fmremind.exe Micrografx, Inc. 0.01%
freesmith.exe freesmith.exe 0.01%
Free Editor freeeditor.exe 0.01%
oplide.exe oplide.exe 0.01%
PowerDVD 13 powerdvd13.exe CyberLink Corp. 0.01%
Media Player 10 mediaplayer10.exe MediaPlayer10 0.01%
File Viewer Plus 3 fvp3.exe Sharpened Productions 0.01%
File Viewer Plus 4 fvp4.exe Sharpened Productions 0.01%
Micro Focus Data Tools mfdatatools2.exe Micro Focus 0.01%
logplot7.exe logplot7.exe 0.01%
DVDFab Media Player (27/11/2017) fabplayer.exe Fengtao Software Inc. 0.01%
gmp-datalog.exe gmp-datalog.exe Powertrain Control Solutions 0.01%
Software and Drivers driverpacknotifier.exe 0.01%
ELOG 15 Windows Application elog32.exe DENT Instruments, Inc. 0.01%
lp2005.exe lp2005.exe 0.01%
FooPlayer fooplayer.exe FooPlayer 0.01%
orchida.exe orchida.exe 0.01%

Browse File Extensions

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