File Extension Detail Icon

File Extension - Detail

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File Extension - Application Detail

Open files with 2007 Microsoft Office component - wordicon.exe

2007 Microsoft Office component
Microsoft Corporation

Open Extension With:

Name Extension
Microsoft Office Word 97 - 2003 Document .doc
Microsoft Office Word Document .docx
Microsoft Office PowerPoint 97-2003 Slide Show .pps
Adobe Acrobat Document .pdf
Outlook Data File .pst
Help File .hlp
JPEG Image .jpg
IconDeveloper File .dll
Microsoft Works Word Processor .wps
Microsoft Office Document Imaging File .tif
Text Document .txt
XSL Stylesheet .xsl
Microsoft Office Excel Workspace .xlw
dat .dat
PNG Image .png
WordPerfect X3-Dokument .wpd
Microsoft Office Word Template .dotx
XML Document .xml
Rich Text Format .rtf
Dialogic VOX file .dir
Windows Media Audio file .wma
OpenDocument Text .odt
Compressed (zipped) Folder .zip
WildTangent PNG File .wpg
Bitmap Image .bmp
Microsoft Office Excel Comma Separated Values File .csv
Windows Media playlist .wpl
Microsoft Office Excel 97-2003 Worksheet .xls
Cascading Style Sheet Document .css
GIF Image .gif
Windows Media Player .docmhtml
ASP.NET Server Page .aspx
Microsoft Office Publisher Document .pub
Adobe Photoshop Image 11 .psd
Microsoft Office Word Macro-Enabled Template .dotm
Thunderbird Document .eml
Microsoft Office Excel Worksheet .xlsx
Microsoft Word HTML Template .dothtml
Write Document .wri
Nerf Map .nrf
XPS Document .xps
Microsoft Office PowerPoint 97-2003 Presentation .ppt
Configuration Settings .ini
iCalendar File .ics
Active Server Page .cdx
Microsoft Office OneNote Section .one
Microsoft Office Word Macro-Enabled Document .docm
Text Document .dic
HTML Document .htm
Adobe After Effects Project .aep
WinRAR archive .gz
Safari Extension .webarchive
XPS Document .oxps
Microsoft Word XML Document .docxml
FreeFileViewer TMP File .tmp
Microsoft Word HTML Document .dochtml
Flash AS Communication File .asc
VLC media file (.vob) .vob
Text Document .log
MSInfo Configuration File .nfo
DWG TrueView Script .scr
Vuze Download .torrent
Paradox Table .db
Microsoft Office Access Application .mdb
Microsoft Office Word 97 - 2003 Template .dot
XrML Digital License .xrm-ms
Server Response File .srf
Microsoft Works Spreadsheet .xlr
Cursor File .cur
ASP.NET Generic Handler .ashx
Windows Media Player .h1s
ATEasy System .sys
PVCNC_Control70 Control .job
ATEasy Driver .drv
SureThing Office Labeler design .dsn
VisiTrax Library .ldb
ACDSee Pro 3 PSP Bild .pspimage
Microsoft Program Group .grp
DYMO Label File .label
Windows Media Player .lex
File Association Manager .pptmhtml
Dialogic VOX file .desklink
Dialogic VOX file .jod
S/MIME File .p7m
Windows Media Player .pnf
Netlist .sdf
Windows Media Player .mapimail
File Association Manager .mydocs
Shortcut to MS-DOS Program .pif
Dialogic VOX file .odccubefile
Dialogic VOX file .odcdatabasefile
Dialogic VOX file .odcnewfile
Dialogic VOX file .odctablefile
IGSS configuration .elm
Microsoft PowerPoint Settings File .pcb
Microsoft Excel 5.0 DialogSheet .xld
Microsoft Excel XML Worksheet .xlxml
Apple Device Application File .ipa
Intel PROSet/Wireless AutoImport File .p10
Microsoft Graph 2000-Diagramm .gra
File Association Manager .laccdb
File Association Manager .h1q
File Association Manager .hxc
360zip .hxw
.XLSM file .pages
Discus Art Database .opc
File Association Manager .hxs
File Association Manager .hxe
360zip .hxi
MikroBitti-asennus .hxh
File Association Manager .crtx
File Association Manager .gcsx
File Association Manager .glox
File Association Manager .gqsx
DLL .rll
File Association Manager .hxk
360zip .hxq
360zip .hxr
File Association Manager .hxt
Adobe.DigitalEditions File .epub
Microsoft Visio Template .vst
Crystal Reports .rpt
Encapsulated PostScript .eps
Microsoft Office Theme .thmx
Microsoft Office Document Imaging File .mdi
MHTML Document .mht
SWF Movie .swf
PLS Audio Playlist .pls
PostScript File .ps
Gartrip data file .wp
PaperPort Document .max
Palm Database File .pdb
MS-DOS Application .com
YUV תמונה .f96
Q Light Controller Plus Fixture .qxf
backup File .bak
File Association Manager .avery
SNEdit .tec
PhotoStudio File .psf
OpenDocument Master Document .odm
MASM Listing .lst
C++ Source .cpp
Text Document .exc
Microsoft Office PowerPoint Presentation .pptx
Internet Shortcut .url
TrueType Font file .ttf
Microsoft Office Excel Macro-Enabled Worksheet .xlsm
Microsoft Works Spreadsheet .wks
XML Document .rels
Contact File .contact
Setup Information .inf
MP4 Video .mp4 1.1 Text Document .sxw
WinRAR archive .tar
InDesign XML Interchange Document .inx
Glary Utilities Splitted File .gfs
NeroVision Dokument .nvc
WAV Audio .bwf
Broderbund Poster Type .sig
Файл приложения Nokia Text Message Editor .vmg
QuickBooks Import/Export File .iif
Punch! Home Design File .phd
BCB プロジェクトファイル .bpf
MemoryMixer Album .sb2
Windows Media Player .lnk
Detached signature .p7s
アルバムビューアー 配布用アルバムファイル .aae
File Association Manager .textclipping
SAindividual2012 .tcs12
FNJ MailSetup Data .msz
WebP Image .webp
GPS Exchange Format .gpx
Dialogic VOX file .dos
JScript Script File .js

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