8 bit signed file |
.sam |
64 bit Doubles file |
.dbl |
IZArc A Archive |
.a |
Dialogic VOX file |
.ans |
Dialogic VOX file |
.aps |
Dialogic VOX file |
.dos |
Dialogic VOX file |
.ghi |
Dialogic VOX file |
.dbs |
Dialogic VOX file |
.etp |
Dialogic VOX file |
.ex_ |
Dialogic VOX file |
.dl_ |
Dialogic VOX file |
.fnt |
Dialogic VOX file |
.dbg |
Dialogic VOX file |
.fky |
Dialogic VOX file |
.faq |
Dialogic VOX file |
.idq |
Dialogic VOX file |
.in_ |
Dialogic VOX file |
.latex |
Dialogic VOX file |
.ext |
Dialogic VOX file |
.sor |
Dialogic VOX file |
.oc_ |
Dialogic VOX file |
.mv |
Dialogic VOX file |
.lgn |
Dialogic VOX file |
.csa |
Dialogic VOX file |
.kci |
Dialogic VOX file |
.sr_ |
Dialogic VOX file |
.rsp |
Dialogic VOX file |
.udt |
Dialogic VOX file |
.viw |
eWallet Document |
.wlt |
Dialogic VOX file |
.xix |
Dialogic VOX file |
.tsp |
Dialogic VOX file |
.vbx |
Dialogic VOX file |
.sy_ |
Dialogic VOX file |
.htw |
Dialogic VOX file |
.hhc |
Dialogic VOX file |
.rpc |
Dialogic VOX file |
.inv |
Dialogic VOX file |
.tlb |
System Monitor File |
.pmc |
System Monitor File |
.pmr |
Dialogic VOX file |
.mmf |
Dialogic VOX file |
.jav |
Dialogic VOX file |
.rul |
Dialogic VOX file |
.tab |
Microsoft Backup File |
.bkf |
Write Document |
.wri |
Dialogic VOX file |
.movie |
Dialogic VOX file |
.z96 |
Dialogic VOX file |
.fif |
Computer Graphics Metafile |
.cgm |
Dialogic VOX file |
.man |
Dialogic VOX file |
.usr |
DeltaCad Symbol File |
.sym |
Sit StuffIt Archive |
.sit |
Dialogic VOX file |
.local |
Dialogic VOX file |
.nvr |
Dialogic VOX file |
.tsv |
Dialogic VOX file |
.sed |
Dialogic VOX file |
.sol |
Java Language Source file |
.java |
HTML Document |
.plg |
Dialogic VOX file |
.manifest |
Dialogic VOX file |
.eyb |
DAMN NFO Viewer file |
.diz |
Dialogic VOX file |
.text |
Dialogic VOX file |
.scc |
ProcMon Log File |
.pml |
Dialogic VOX file |
.art |
Dialogic VOX file |
.tdl |
IsoBuster IBQ Image |
.ibq |
Virtual CloneDrive |
.udf |
Visual Basic Module |
.bas |
System Monitor File |
.pma |
Visual Basic Class Module |
.cls |
Dialogic VOX file |
.m14 |
InDesign XML Interchange Document |
.inx |
IncrediMail Content |
.imc |
iEPGファイル(PL) |
.pl |
Dialogic VOX file |
.htc |
Dialogic VOX file |
.htt |
VC++ Project |
.vcproj |
Flash AS Communication File |
.asc |
Microsoft SQL Server Query File |
.sql |
Legacy Search Query File |
.fnd |
PHP3 Script |
.php3 |
HTML Document |
.shtm |
.ivf |
Visual C# Project file |
.csproj |
Visual Basic Project file |
.vbproj |
Dialogic VOX file |
.htx |
Microsoft Schedule+ Application |
.sc2 |
Microsoft Schedule+ Application |
.scd |
Microsoft Excel Chart |
.xlc |
FLC Animation |
.cel |
DirectX X-File |
.x |
Microsoft Office Excel 97-2003 Worksheet |
.xlb |
Adobe Illustrator Artwork 14.0 |
.ai |
Dialogic VOX file |
.trg |
Dialogic VOX file |
.bcp |
Express Scribe Dictation File |
.dct |
Paint Shop Pro 7 Browser Cache File |
.jbf |
Dialogic VOX file |
.vox |
C++ Source |
.cc |
Assembler Source |
.asm |
C Source |
.c |
C/C++ Code Listing |
.cod |
Interface Definition Language File |
.odh |
Preprocessed C/C++ Source |
.i |
VC++ 6 Project |
.dsp |
Interface Definition Language File |
.odl |
VC++ 6 Workspace |
.dsw |
Registration Script |
.rgs |
Typelib Generated C/C++ Header |
.tlh |
Typelib Generated C/C++ Inline File |
.tli |
Export Definition File |
.def |
Makefile |
.mak |
Makefile |
.mk |
Assembler Source |
.s |
C/C++ Header |
.hxx |
C++ Source |
.cxx |
C/C++ Header |
.hpp |
C++ Source |
.cpp |
C/C++ Header |
.h |
Include File |
.inc |
Kindle Content |
.prc |
C/C++ Inline File |
.inl |
Resource Script |
.rc2 |
Resource Compiler Template |
.rct |
Interface Definition Language File |
.idl |
Compiled Resource Script |
.res |
Resource Script |
.rc |
GOM Media file(.wmp) |
.wmp |
MASM Listing |
.lst |
XML Schema File |
.xsd |
Visual C# Source file |
.cs |
Dialogic VOX file |
.bsc |
Palm Database File |
.pdb |
Dialogic VOX file |
.ilk |
Dialogic VOX file |
.sbr |
Dialogic VOX file |
.ncb |
Dialogic VOX file |
.pch |
Dialogic VOX file |
.exp |
Microsoft Schedule+ Application |
.sch |
SampleVision file |
.smp |
Dialogic VOX file |
.user |
IrfanView HDP File |
.hdp |
Wave Corrector |
.ses |
XSL Transform |
.xslt |
DiamondWare Digitized file |
.dwd |
ASP.NET Web Service |
.asmx |
IZArc LIB Archive |
.lib |
Dialogic VOX file |
.vsscc |
Dialogic VOX file |
.vspscc |
Dialogic VOX file |
.vssscc |
PDS File |
.pds |
ASP.NET User Control |
.ascx |
ASP.NET Server Page |
.aspx |
Screamtracker 2 Module |
.stm |
PostScript File |
.ps |
UltimateZip file |
.wsz |
Yahoo! Music Jukebox File |
.pcm |
WebP Image |
.webp |
Dialogic VOX file |
.obj |
VLC media file (.bin) |
.bin |
WinZip File |
.hqx |
Dialogic VOX file |
.nls |
Encapsulated PostScript |
.eps |
Apple Audio Interchange File |
.iff |
dat |
.dat |
E-Transcript File |
.ptx |
Server Response File |
.srf |
Dialogic VOX file |
.dtcp-ip |
Linear PCM Sound |
.lpcm |
Dialogic VOX file |
.uvu |
Able RAWer (TIFF) |
.dng |
IrfanView HEIC File |
.heic |
Media Center file |
.heif |
Dialogic VOX file |
.avifs |
Dialogic VOX file |
.msepub |
Dialogic VOX file |
.avif |
WebM Audio File |
.weba |
Dialogic VOX file |
.avcs |
MediaFile (.raw) |
.ari |
Contact File |
.contact |
Dialogic VOX file |
.avci |
Contact Group File |
.group |
Dialogic VOX file |
.heics |
Dialogic VOX file |
.heifs |
EMOTION.Package |
.eip |
VIZ Render Scene |
.drf |
Adobe Photoshop Image 11 |
.psd |
File Association Manager |
.ori |
Dialogic VOX file |
.cr3 |
MediaFile (.raw) |
.pxn |
Hasselblad Raw Image |
.3fr |
k25 Raw-Image |
.k25 |
ACDSee Pro 3 RAW Bild |
.bay |
IBM DB2 Object |
.dcs |
ACDSee Pro 2.5 SRF Bild |
.sr2 |
IrfanView KDC File |
.kdc |
Wireshark capture file |
.cap |
Max JSON |
.json |
ACDSee Pro 3 RAW Bild |
.fff |
Dialogic VOX file |
.iiq |
Samsung Raw Image |
.srw |
ACDSee Pro 3 MEF Bild |
.mef |
Dialogic VOX file |
.3mf |
Able RAWer (TIFF) |
.mrw |
Able RAWer (TIFF) |
.raf |
ACDSee Pro 3 RWL Bild |
.rwl |
Able RAWer (TIFF) |
.arw |
Able RAWer (TIFF) |
.x3f |
Adobe.DigitalEditions File |
.epub |
ACDSee Pro 3 RW2 Bild |
.rw2 |
Headerless RAW Waveform |
.raw |
EPSON Print CD Document |
.ec3 |
WinRAR archive |
.z |
Wireshark capture file |
.erf |
ACDSee Pro 2.5 RAW Bild |
.mos |
Able RAWer (TIFF) |
.pef |
Able RAWer (TIFF) |
.orf |
Able RAWer (TIFF) |
.crw |
Able RAWer (TIFF) |
.cr2 |
ACDSee Pro 2.5 NEF Bild |
.nef |
Able RAWer (TIFF) |
.dcr |
CD-ROM (WMA) 編集 |
.nrw |
AU Format Sound |
.snd |
WinRAR archive |
.tgz |
WinRAR archive |
.tar |
WinRAR archive |
.gz |
VLC media file (.oga) |
.oga |
ZOO ファイル |
.zoo |
MPEG-2 Transport Stream |
.tod |
AU Format Sound |
.au |
Ogg Vorbis File |
.ogg |
WinZip File |
.arc |
Creative VOC Format |
.voc |
.wtv |
VLC media file (.vob) |
.vob |
VLC media file (.ogv) |
.ogv |
Opus Audio Codec |
.opus |
PICT Image |
.pic |
.dvr-ms |
VLC media file (.ogx) |
.ogx |
MPEG-4 Audio File (Protected) |
.m4b |
VLC media file (.webm) |
.webm |
VLC media file (.ogm) |
.ogm |
VLC media file (.m4p) |
.m4p |
File Association Manager |
.hif |
VLC media file (.ac3) |
.ac3 |
AIFF Format Sound |
.aif |
WinRAR archive |
.lzh |
WinRAR archive |
.arj |
Text Document |
.dic |
Microsoft Works Word Processor |
.wps |
CD Audio Track |
.cda |
VLC media file (.flv) |
.flv |
MPEG Video |
.mpv |
Windows Media Player |
.c2r |
MUSHclient World |
.mcl |
Dialogic VOX file |
.wtf |
Firefox Document |
.shtml |
Microsoft Works Word Processor |
.wpt |
iCalendar File |
.ics |
StarOffice 5.0 数式 |
.smf |
Paint.NET Image |
.tga |
SWF Movie |
.swf |
Dialogic VOX file |
.anydesk |
Outlook Item |
.msg |
JPEG 2000 Image |
.jp2 |
FLC Animation |
.flc |
Dialogic VOX file |
.rtsp |
Microsoft Video |
.vfw |
MPEG video/audio stream |
.m1a |
WAV Audio |
.bwf |
SGI Image |
.rgb |
FLC Animation |
.fli |
MPEG video/audio stream |
.m1s |
Broderbund Web Page Project |
.web |
Dialogic VOX file |
.rts |
MPEG video/audio stream |
.mpm |
AU Audio |
.ulw |
Truevision TGA Image |
.targa |
MPEG Layer-3 Audio |
.swa |
.sml |
.m3url |
MPEG video/audio stream |
.m75 |
SGI Image |
.sgi |
MPEG video/audio stream |
.m15 |
MP3 Format Sound |
.mp3 |
Karaoke MIDI File |
.kar |
3GPP Movie |
.sdv |
Guide Letter or Document |
.gdoc |
Google spreadsheet |
.gsheet |
Google presentation |
.gslides |
SMIL マルチメディア プレゼンテーション |
.smil |
SMIL Multimedia Presentation |
.smi |
Dialogic VOX file |
.vdw |
vCard File |
.vcf |
iTunes Digital Booklet |
.itb |
Microsoft Visio Document |
.vdx |
Adobe Acrobat Document |
.pdf |
Microsoft Office Access Template |
.accdt |
AMR Narrow-Band Content |
.amr |
HD Photo (JPEG XR) |
.jxr |
Microsoft Visio Document |
.vtx |
Dialogic VOX file |
.odc |
Journal Document |
.jnt |
Microsoft Visio Drawing |
.vsd |
Microsoft Word Addin |
.wll |
Microsoft Office Excel Comma Separated Values File |
.csv |
Qualcomm PureVoice および拡張可変レート |
.qcp |
Microsoft Visio Document |
.vsx |
Dialogic VOX file |
.pmg |
Dialogic VOX file |
.asr |
Microsoft Visio Stencil |
.vss |
Microsoft Visio Template |
.vst |
OpenDocument Spreadsheet |
.123 |
Microsoft Visual FoxPro Table |
.dbf |
1-2-3 Worksheet |
.wk1 |
StarOffice 5.0 テンプレート |
.vor |
Microsoft Works Spreadsheet |
.wks |
Ringtone |
.m4r |
Windows Live Movie Maker Project |
.wlmp |
Dialogic VOX file |
.dlink |
Windows Media Player |
.mswmm |
Media Catalog File |
.mml |
DV Movie |
.dif |
Dialogic VOX file |
.pdlite500 |
Paintbrush Image |
.pcx |
Microsoft Office Excel Template |
.xlt |
QuickTime Movie |
.qt |
Microsoft Office PowerPoint 97-2003 Presentation |
.ppt |
Dialogic VOX file |
.fluid |
Amiga audio file |
.svx |
Microsoft Office Word 97 - 2003 Document |
.doc |
Microsoft Office PowerPoint 97-2003 Template |
.pot |
Microsoft Office Excel SLK Data Import Format |
.slk |
Microsoft Office Excel Workspace |
.xlw |
Microsoft Office Excel 97-2003 Worksheet |
.xls |
Microsoft Office Word 97 - 2003 Template |
.dot |
Microsoft Office PowerPoint 97-2003 Slide Show |
.pps |
IrfanView RAS File |
.ras |
IrfanView PGM File |
.pgm |
Media Center file |
.ape |
Microsoft Visio Document |
.vsdm |
Microsoft Visio Document |
.vsdx |
Portable Bitmap |
.pbm |
M3U Audio Playlist (UTF-8) |
.m3u8 |
X11 Bitmap Image |
.xbm |
Portable Pixelmap Graphics |
.ppm |
Visual Studio Code Snippet File |
.snippet |
Visual Basic Source file |
.vb |
XML Document Type Definition |
.dtd |
XML Data Reduced Schema |
.xdr |
WAVE Audio File |
.wave |
PLS Audio Playlist |
.pls |
Web Service Description Language |
.wsdl |
Visual Studio Project/Item Template File |
.vstemplate |
Audio CD Track |
.cdda |
IrfanView XPM File |
.xpm |
Service Description Language |
.sdl |
Web Service Discovery File |
.disco |
XML Configuration File |
.config |
CorelDraw Image |
.cdr |
Note Radio Data |
.note |
Dialogic VOX file |
.loop |
Dialogic VOX file |
.whiteboard |
OpenDocument Text |
.hwp |
WordPerfect X3-Dokument |
.wpd |
JPEG File Interchange Format |
.jif |
Quattro Pro X3-Arbeitsmappe |
.wb2 |
CorelDRAW 12.0 Exchange Graphic |
.cmx |
T602 document |
.602 |
Pagis Electronic Document |
.lwp |
Meeting File |
.met |
File Association Manager |
.uop |
File Association Manager |
.uos |
File Association Manager |
.uot |
AutoCAD DXF Image |
.dxf |
MPEG-4 File |
.m4e |
MPEG Media |
.mps |
Visual Studio Data Source File |
.datasource |
GOM Media file(.k3g) |
.k3g |
VLC media file (.vro) |
.vro |
WildTangent PNG File |
.wpg |
Dialogic VOX file |
.dir |
PhotoCD Image |
.pcd |
PICT Image |
.pct |
Dialogic VOX file |
.p5i |
Dialogic VOX file |
.p5p |
QuickTime Movie |
.mqv |
Dialogic VOX file |
.dxr |
TarFile |
.rpm |
.dss |
Flash Video file |
.f4v |
Microsoft Visio Document |
.vstm |
Microsoft Visio Document |
.vstx |
Microsoft Office Publisher Document |
.pub |
Ots Playlist Template |
.otm |
WavePad Sound EditorDatei |
.dart |
Caligari Rosetta Recording |
.rcd |
LPEC Audio |
.dvf |
Dialogic VOX file |
.act |
mohfile |
.moh |
.ds2 |
Dialogic VOX file |
.workfolders |
MPlayer Audio File |
.shn |
Dialogic VOX file |
.mpo |
Single Document Setting |
.dvs |
Bitmap Image |
.dib |
Configuration Settings |
.ini |
Setup Information |
.inf |
RLE File |
.rle |
LZS ファイル |
.lzs |
Yahoo! Player Skin |
.yfs |
XXE Encoded File - ZipGenius File |
.xx |
StuffIt Archive |
.mime |
VLC media file (.mxf) |
.mxf |
QT File |
.nut |
Dialogic VOX file |
.icon |
LPEC Audio |
.msv |
Free Lossless Audio Codec File |
.flac |
EMF File |
.emf |
MTV Raytrace Image |
.mtv |
Smacker/Bink Media file |
.bik |
VLC media file (.spx) |
.spx |
MPEG-4 Audio |
.m4a |
thp ファイル |
.thp |
WMF File |
.wmf |
Wave Sound |
.wav |
Nullsoft Streaming Video File |
.nsv |
AIFF Format Sound |
.aifc |
AIFF Format Sound |
.aiff |
Text Document |
.wtx |
MP3 Format Sound |
.mp2 |
Movie Clip |
.m2p |
VLC media file (.wv) |
.wv |
JPEG Stereo |
.jps |
STDUViewer WWF File |
.wwf |
WinImage |
.wlz |
omf file |
.omf |
RealSystem Media |
.rmj |
GSM Audio |
.gsm |
Microsoft Visio Document |
.vssm |
Microsoft Visio Document |
.vssx |
FinalMediaPlayer RM File |
.rm |
Sound Designer II Audio File |
.sd2 |
Media Center file |
.mpc |
X3D Document |
.x3d |
BitZipper XAR Archive |
.xar |
RealOne Recording |
.rec |
Prodigy Internet Enrollment-Config |
.pns |
AVS DVD Player Files |
.div |
Flip-Q Document |
.fqd |
Dialogic VOX file |
.exif |
ConceptDraw Library |
.cdlx |
Dialogic VOX file |
.acsrf |
Dialogic VOX file |
.amio |
Dialogic VOX file |
.ases |
File Association Manager |
.sesx |
iGrafx Share Media Packed File |
.pkf |
RealAudio |
.ra |
Microsoft Office Excel Worksheet |
.xlsx |
RISA-3D File |
.r3d |
Apple Core Audio Format |
.caf |
AviSynth Script |
.avs |
MGI PhotoSuite 4 Image |
.icb |
MGI PhotoSuite 4 Image |
.vda |
MPEG Audio |
.mpga |
WinZip File |
.wzcloud |
GOM Media file(.skm) |
.skm |
VLC media file (.rmvb) |
.rmvb |
Microsoft Office PowerPoint Presentation |
.pptx |
Microsoft Office PowerPoint Macro-Enabled Presenta |
.pptm |
Microsoft Office PowerPoint Macro-Enabled Design T |
.potm |
RealPlayer Presentation |
.ram |
Microsoft Office Word Template |
.dotx |
Microsoft Office Word Macro-Enabled Template |
.dotm |
OpenDocument Presentation |
.odp |
Miro |
.pva |
QuickTime Movie |
.mov |
MP4 Video |
.m4v |
RealVideo |
.rv |
VLC media file (.amv) |
.amv |
Microsoft Office PowerPoint Addin |
.ppam |
Microsoft Office Theme |
.thmx |
OpenDocument Spreadsheet |
.ods |
Microsoft Office PowerPoint Slide Show |
.ppsx |
VNCviewer Config File |
.vnc |
PNG Image |
.png |
Session Description Protocol |
.sdp |
Motion JPEG Video |
.mjpeg |
Movie Clip |
.mpeg |
Movie Clip |
.mpg |
MPEG Layer 1 Audio File |
.mp1 |
Real Metadata Package |
.rmp |
VLC media file (.ifo) |
.ifo |
VLC media file (.3ga) |
.3ga |
Microsoft Office Excel Binary Worksheet |
.xlsb |
Microsoft Office Excel Template |
.xltx |
Microsoft Office Excel Macro-Enabled Worksheet |
.xlsm |
Microsoft Office PowerPoint Template |
.potx |
Microsoft Office Excel Macro-Enabled Template |
.xltm |
Dialogic VOX file |
.opdownload |
Dialogic VOX file |
.aax |
Outlook Bar Shortcuts |
.fav |
EVO - File |
.evo |
Dialogic VOX file |
.aa |
Microsoft Office Word Macro-Enabled Document |
.docm |
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File |
.264 |
QT File |
.mjpg |
Plik programu TopSecret Next Generation |
.ts4 |
ASU Document |
.aud |
QuickTime Movie |
.moov |
dav Document |
.dav |
KMV Document |
.kmv |
QuickPlay media file |
.xmv |
Secure RealAudio / RealVideo File |
.rms |
RealAudio Protected |
.rax |
RealSystem Secure Media File |
.rmx |
ADTS Audio |
.aac |
Windows Media Audio file |
.wma |
VLC media file (.divx) |
.divx |
eBook Starter Project File |
.ebp |
RoQ Media file |
.roq |
Dirac Video |
.drc |
Microsoft Flight Simulator Application |
.flt |
HStudio.Document |
.flx |
Rhapsody 2 Playlist |
.rpl |
Smacker/Bink Media file |
.smk |
MPEG File |
.h264 |
Abekas Image File |
.yuv |
Music |
.f4a |
MPEG File |
.vc1 |
ExamView Bank |
.bnk |
Dialogic VOX file |
.ea |
Fichier multimédia |
.flh |
すごピタ! テンプレート |
.mj2 |
Dialogic VOX file |
.ffm |
DVD PixPlay Frame |
.dpg |
Mastercam NC Files |
.nc |
AVS Media Player File |
.f4p |
VLC media file (.gxf) |
.gxf |
VLC media file (.nuv) |
.nuv |
QT File |
.h261 |
CyberLink Medi@Show FLM file |
.flm |
GOM Media file(.svi) |
.svi |
Dialogic VOX file |
.cavs |
Dialogic VOX file |
.dv1394 |
Dialogic VOX file |
.f4b |
Dialogic VOX file |
.film |
Dialogic VOX file |
.film_cpk |
Dialogic VOX file |
.mkm |
Dialogic VOX file |
.wmvhd |
hsbCAD DXA file |
.dxa |
H263 File |
.h263 |
Portable Anymap Image |
.pnm |
ACDSee Pro 3 JP2 Bild |
.jpx |
IrfanView JP2 File |
.jpf |
Audio PlayList |
.xpl |
RAR StuffIt Archive |
.cbr |
Dialogic VOX file |
.kys |
rdc Raw-Image |
.rdc |
M3U file |
.m3u |
MixPad Audio MixerProject |
.mpdp |
Zip StuffIt Archive |
.cbz |
eComic |
.cb7 |
Linker Address Map |
.map |
Microsoft Office Document Imaging File |
.tiff |
Microsoft Office PowerPoint Macro-Enabled Slide |
.sldm |
Microsoft Office PowerPoint Slide |
.sldx |
XML Document |
.xml |
LSM Bild |
.ia |
MediaFile (.raw) |
.qtk |
Dialogic VOX file |
.rw1 |
ACDSee Pro 3 RAW Bild |
.cs1 |
IrfanView DJVU File |
.djvu |
PHP Script |
.php |
XPS Document |
.jtx |
XPS Document |
.eprtx |
XPS Document |
.edrwx |
XPS Document |
.dwfx |
XPS Document |
.easmx |
Paradox String List |
.pxr |
GOM Media file(.trp) |
.trp |
Print Shop-Projekt |
.pdp |
Internet Video Recording |
.ivr |
Dialogic VOX file |
.prlite500 |
Microsoft Office PowerPoint Macro-Enabled Slide Sh |
.ppsm |
Dialogic VOX file |
.mogrt |
Karaoke for DirectX |
.cdg |
Audacity Project File |
.aup |
Bitmap Image |
.bmp |
VLC media file (.mlp) |
.mlp |
ACDSee Pro 3 JPC Bild |
.j2c |
DiscSpan Compilation |
.nds |
IrfanView EXR File |
.exr |
Microsoft Office Excel Web Query File |
.iqy |
VLC media file (.mkv) |
.mkv |
OpenOffice.org 1.1 Presentation Template |
.sti |
WinISD Document |
.wid |
VLC media file (.dv) |
.dv |
Serif PhotoPlus Picture |
.j2k |
IrfanView JP2 File |
.jpc |
MediaFile (.raw) |
.mdc |
Microsoft Office Excel Add-In |
.xlam |
Paint Shop Pro 7 Image |
.tub |
WinZip File |
.img |
YUV תמונה |
.pgf |
TAR StuffIt Archive |
.cbt |
FictionBook |
.fb2 |
Portable Document Format |
.fb2z |
ASP.NET Generic Handler |
.ashx |
ASP.NET Server Application |
.asax |
XSL Stylesheet |
.xsl |
Kindle Content |
.mobi |
KMP -Video File |
.ofr |
GIMP image |
.xcf |
APL Audio Datei |
.apl |
Wireless Bitmap Image |
.wbmp |
Video deluxe arrangement |
.mvd |
Paint Shop Pro 7 Image |
.psp |
GOM Media file(.tp) |
.tp |
Dialogic VOX file |
.clsid |
テキスト ドキュメント |
.pmp |
Microsoft Office Access 2007 Database |
.accdb |
Dialogic VOX file |
.msworks7portfolio |
JPEG Image |
.jpeg |
ACDSee Pro 3 PSP Bild |
.pspimage |
GIF Image |
.gif |
Adobe ColdFusion Component |
.cfc |
PHP4 Script |
.php4 |
X Window Dump |
.xwd |
Rs Archive |
.rs |
MyPasswordManager.Document |
.apm |
Alias|Wavefront PowerAnimator |
.alpha |
Flexible Image Transport System |
.fit |
SUN Raster Image |
.im1 |
SUN Raster Image |
.im24 |
SUN Raster Image |
.im32 |
SUN Raster Image |
.im8 |
Alias|Wavefront PowerAnimator |
.mask |
Alias|Wavefront PowerAnimator |
.matte |
DICOM Image |
.dicom |
Flexible Image Transport System Image |
.fits |
Autodesk Image File |
.als |
Print Shop Project |
.pcc |
ACDSee Pro 3 SGI Bild |
.rgba |
ACDSee Pro 3 PIX Bild |
.pix |
ACDSee Pro 3 SGI Bild |
.bw |
SVG Document |
.svgz |
Microsoft Office Document Imaging File |
.tif |
Topo USA Project File |
.tpx |
Dialogic VOX file |
.mm7l |
Dialogic VOX file |
.mm7np |
.cshtml |
WeBuilder Document |
.less |
WeBuilder Document |
.scss |
CoffeeScript File |
.coffee |
Miro |
.xvid |
すごい位置合わせ Document |
.tpd |
ALAC Audio file |
.alac |
AVCHD Video |
.mts |
VLC media file (.tta) |
.tta |
AVCHD Video |
.m2t |
AVCHD Video |
.m2ts |
MPlayer Audio File |
.tak |
Subtitle File |
.psb |
Dialogic VOX file |
.p2glite500 |
Microsoft Office Access Application |
.mdb |
IrfanView DCM File |
.dcm |
MP4 Video |
.mp4 |
nvf |
.nvf |
3GPP2 Audio/Video |
.3g2 |
3GPP Audio/Video |
.3gp |
IrfanView G3 File |
.g3 |
RealPlayer Presentation |
.rmm |
File Association Manager |
.jsx |
3GPP Audio/Video |
.3gpp |
VC++ Debugger Visualization File |
.natvis |
ASP.NET Site Map |
.sitemap |
VC++ Project Filters File |
.filters |
VC++ Project |
.vcxproj |
Dialogic VOX file |
.props |
Dialogic VOX file |
.vsprops |
Heidenhain File |
.hh |
vShop |
.vsh |
.dsh |
.dsh |
GemShape |
.gsh |
JavaScript app Project file |
.jsproj |
HLSL Source |
.hlsl |
BD Cebolinha Script |
.hsh |
Effect File |
.fx |
Punch! Home Design File |
.psh |
3GPP2 Audio/Video |
.3gp2 |
HLSL Source |
.pshader |
VC++ Project Items |
.vcxitems |
HLSL Source |
.vshader |
VC++ Android Project |
.androidproj |
HLSL Source |
.cshader |
HLSL Source |
.dshader |
HLSL Source |
.gshader |
HLSL Source |
.hshader |
HLSL Header |
.hlsli |
VC++ 5 Workspace |
.mdp |
Screamtracker 3 Module |
.s3m |
Impulsetracker Module |
.it |
Fasttracker 2 Module |
.xm |
eVC 3/4 Project |
.vcp |
eVC 3/4 Workspace |
.vcw |
筆まめワードエフェクタ12 |
.mfe |
CX-Designer Project |
.ipp |
HDMOV File |
.hdmov |
MPEG4 file |
.mpv4 |
RealText |
.rt |
RealPix |
.rp |
Wireshark capture file |
.acp |
PICT Image |
.pict |
JUNO-Di Librarian Document |
.jxl |
DAZ Script 2 (ascii) |
.dsa |
Windows Live Mail Mail Message |
.rss |
PHP file |
.phtml |
Composer 669 Module |
.669 |
Clojure File |
.clj |
File Association Manager |
.yml |
CrazyTalk Project File |
.ctp |
Moneydance Data |
.md |
Dialogic VOX file |
.yaml |
File Association Manager |
.markdown |
Dialogic VOX file |
.handlebars |
Dialogic VOX file |
.hbs |
Dialogic VOX file |
.hx |
Dialogic VOX file |
.mathml |
Dialogic VOX file |
.sass |
Dialogic VOX file |
.twig |
Dialogic VOX file |
.wsgi |
File Association Manager |
.xbl |
Dialogic VOX file |
.cfm1 |
Dialogic VOX file |
.cson |
Dialogic VOX file |
.ejs |
File Association Manager |
.dhtml |
hotfix request file |
.vmhr |
Mozilla XUL Document |
.xul |
Design File type |
.kit |
PHP script file |
.php5 |
PHP Script |
.phtm |
Atom Feed |
.atom |
Microsoft Visual Studio Extension Language Pack Manifest |
.vsixlangpack |
Microsoft Visual Studio Extension Manifest |
.vsixmanifest |
Diff/Patch File |
.patch |
Diff/Patch File |
.diff |
RDF File |
.rdf |
hotfix file |
.vmhf |
Virtual Machine Settings File |
.vmc |
MPEG video/audio stream |
.m2a |
Virtual CloneDrive |
.dvd |
VLC media file (.dts) |
.dts |
IntelliTrace File |
.itrace |
Microsoft Office Document Imaging File |
.mdi |
Movie Clip |
.mpa |
QuickTime Movie |
.qtl |
Winamp media file |
.dsm |
DirectShow Media file |
.dsv |
Microsoft Visual Studio Command Table Definition File |
.vsct |
Visual Studio Shell Isolated PkgDef file |
.pkgdef |
Visual Studio Shell Isolated PkgUndef file |
.pkgundef |
YUV תמונה |
.pse |
Dialogic VOX file |
.sidecar |
MFC Ribbon Definition XML File |
.mfcribbon-ms |
Visual Studio Code Analysis Rule Set |
.ruleset |
Crash Dump File |
.hdmp |
Crash Dump File |
.mdmp |
Crash Dump File |
.dmp |
Dialogic VOX file |
.scrlite500 |
WinRAR archive |
.rar |
Adobe Premiere Batch List |
.pbl |
Dialogic VOX file |
.pek |
Media Clip |
.mmm |
Music Maker Jam Project |
.mmjproject |
OpenDocument Text |
.odt |
Video Clip |
.avi |
File Association Manager |
.targets |
Dialogic VOX file |
.mpmpl |
VMware policy |
.vmpl |
VMware snapshot metadata |
.vmsd |
VMware virtual machine configuration |
.vmt |
VMware team configuration |
.vmtm |
VMware team member |
.vmxf |
VMware virtual machine BIOS |
.nvram |
VMware virtual machine configuration |
.vmac |
VMware virtual machine configuration |
.vmba |
Virtual Disk |
.vhd |
MPEG-2 TS Video |
.ts |
Compressed (zipped) Folder |
.zip |
Broderbund Fax Cover |
.fax |
Windows Media Audio/Video file |
.asf |
VMware Console Configuration File |
.xvm |
Multitracker Module |
.mtm |
Active Server Document |
.jsp |
Movie Clip |
.m2v |
Windows Media Audio/Video file |
.wmv |
Movie Clip |
.mpe |
Macromedia Flash Paper |
.mfp |
LSM Bild |
.emz |
AIMP2: Compressed Tracker Module |
.mo3 |
Winamp media file |
.umx |
Music |
.ofs |
MediaCenter.15.Playlist |
.mpl |
Web Site Downloader Project |
.whtt |
Dialogic VOX file |
.tico |
Dialogic VOX file |
.acdlite500 |
FL Installer data file |
.flinstaller |
PagePlus Dokument |
.ppp |
DWG TrueView Drawing |
.dwg |
Raw Video |
.y4m |
MGI PhotoSuite 4 Image |
.epsf |
LSM Bild |
.apng |
Dialogic VOX file |
.cppm |
Dialogic VOX file |
.ixx |
Visual Studio Generic Test file |
.generictest |
TransCAD Matrix |
.mtx |
Visual Studio Accessor file |
.accessor |
Visual Studio Code Coverage File |
.coverage |
Visual Studio Ordered Test file |
.orderedtest |
Visual Studio Test Meta Data File |
.vsmdi |
Visual Studio Test Results File |
.trx |
Visual Studio Test Run Configuration File |
.testrunconfig |
Visual Studio Test Settings File |
.testsettings |
Visual Studio Coded UI Test Map file |
.uitest |
Dialogic VOX file |
.popvideo |
VLC media file (.cue) |
.cue |
LSM Bild |
.rl4 |
LSM Bild |
.rl8 |
Kindle Content |
.azw |
File Association Manager |
.azw3 |
Dialogic VOX file |
.ilower |
Dialogic VOX file |
.imtl |
Dialogic VOX file |
.iupper |
Dialogic VOX file |
.iacc |
Dialogic VOX file |
.ishoe |
Dialogic VOX file |
.iskin |
Dialogic VOX file |
.isky |
Dialogic VOX file |
.ieye |
Dialogic VOX file |
.iface |
Dialogic VOX file |
.ifog |
Dialogic VOX file |
.iglove |
Dialogic VOX file |
.igrass |
Dialogic VOX file |
.ihair |
Dialogic VOX file |
.ihand |
Dialogic VOX file |
.iimglayer |
Dialogic VOX file |
.ilight |
Dialogic VOX file |
.imotion |
Dialogic VOX file |
.iatm |
Dialogic VOX file |
.iavatar |
Dialogic VOX file |
.icam |
Dialogic VOX file |
.ioral |
Dialogic VOX file |
.iparticle |
Dialogic VOX file |
.iterrain |
Dialogic VOX file |
.itree |
Dialogic VOX file |
.iwater |
iClone Project File |
.iproject |
iClone File |
.vns |
Dialogic VOX file |
.iwidget |
Dialogic VOX file |
.iprop |
Dialogic VOX file |
.iscene |
.mds |
GuitarPort Tone |
.gpt |
TUGZip WinAmp skin archive |
.wal |
VLC media file (.aob) |
.aob |
LSM Bild |
.wfx |
シェルスクリプト |
.csh |
Dialogic VOX file |
.psdt |
Microsoft Visual Studio Solution |
.sln |
Dialogic VOX file |
.resx |
MPEG-TS Video File |
.tps |
Text Template |
.tt |
Kindle Content |
.azw4 |
Microsoft Visual Studio Solution Filter |
.slnf |
Adobe Bridge URL |
.adobebridge |
BeadTool Palette |
.btc |
Dialogic VOX file |
.api |
Adobe ColdFusion File |
.cfm |
Dupeless Search File |
.dlp |
Dazzler Presentation |
.dzl |
dztr File |
.dztr |
Compiled Visual dBASE Menu Bar |
.mno |
Dialogic VOX file |
.axd |
Dialogic VOX file |
.soap |
Quicknote |
.rem |
Flash ActionScript File |
.as |
Broderbund Calendar |
.cal |
PowerISO File |
.cdi |
Cakewalk Bundle File |
.cwb |
Cakewalk Project File |
.cwp |
Cakewalk Template |
.cwt |
Cakewalk Window Layout |
.cakewalkwindowlayout |
Dialogic VOX file |
.cakewalkstudioware |
Dialogic VOX file |
.rmsl |
SampleTank Instrument |
.sth |
ファイルメーカーPro スタイル |
.fth |
Cakewalk Play List |
.set |
Cakewalk MIDI Sequence |
.mff |
Job Definition Format |
.jdf |
Job Definition Format |
.mjd |
XPS Document |
.xps |
VLC media file (.mka) |
.mka |
Buildbox Asset |
.bbasset |
Buildbox Node |
.bbnode |
Dialogic VOX file |
.skb |
Inventory File Type |
.idb |
Dialogic VOX file |
.folder |
Audio CD |
.audiocd |
Morpheus Animation Layout |
.aml |
Charactor Creator Actor Project Files |
.ccproject |
Dialogic VOX file |
.rlhead |
Dialogic VOX file |
.rlmotion |
Dialogic VOX file |
.rlpreviewimage |
Dialogic VOX file |
.rltalk |
Dialogic VOX file |
.ipath |
Dialogic VOX file |
.ipuppet |
Dialogic VOX file |
.iscript |
Dialogic VOX file |
.icloth |
Dialogic VOX file |
.ieffect |
Dialogic VOX file |
.imotionplus |
Dialogic VOX file |
.ccacc |
Dialogic VOX file |
.ccavatarpreset |
Dialogic VOX file |
.cccloth |
Dialogic VOX file |
.cccontrol |
Dialogic VOX file |
.cceye |
Dialogic VOX file |
.ccgloves |
Dialogic VOX file |
.cchair |
Dialogic VOX file |
.ccmorph |
Dialogic VOX file |
.ccrestore |
Dialogic VOX file |
.ccshoes |
Dialogic VOX file |
.ccskin |
Dialogic VOX file |
.ccteeth |
Dialogic VOX file |
.cctexture |
Dialogic VOX file |
.isubstance |
Dialogic VOX file |
.italk |
Dialogic VOX file |
.iteeth |
Dialogic VOX file |
.ianim |
Dialogic VOX file |
.sqc |
ARMA Script File |
.sqs |
XPS Document |
.oxps |
ASP.NET Master Page |
.master |
ASP.NET Web Service |
.svc |
ASP.NET Skin File |
.skin |
Playlist file |
.mpcpl |
KidPix 4 Slide Show |
.kpp |
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Module |
.lrmodule |
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Toolkit |
.lrtoolkit |
Download Accelerator Skin file |
.dzs |
DZT File |
.dzt |
Windows Media Player |
.lrtemplate |
CDADJ ファイル |
.cdadj |
PDLCP File |
.pdlcp |
File Association Manager |
.lrsmcol |
File Association Manager |
.lrwebengine |
File Association Manager |
.lrplugin |
Mathcad Document |
.mct |
Dialogic VOX file |
.vsps |
Corel VideoStudio 12.0 Document |
.vsp |
.vbhtml |
Tasker File |
.tsx |
ADO.NET Entity Data Model Designer |
.edmx |
Publish Project File |
.publishproj |
Publish Profile |
.pubxml |
JSON-LD File |
.jsonld |
Dialogic VOX file |
.razor |
Visual Studio SQL Server Project |
.sqlproj |
Visual Studio Add-in definition file |
.addin |
Zoner Viewer Document |
.* |
Dialogic VOX file |
.vssettings |
Dialogic VOX file |
.xsc |
Dialogic VOX file |
.xss |
settingseditor Document |
.settings |
Dialogic VOX file |
.vi4 |
PowerISO File |
.bif |
PowerISO File |
.bwi |
PowerISO File |
.lcd |
PowerISO File |
.vcd |
Ashampoo Burning Studio Image |
.ashdisc |
Dialogic VOX file |
.dsgl |
Virtual CloneDrive |
.ccd |
Dialogic VOX file |
.hls |
Dialogic VOX file |
.hlt |
Dialogic VOX file |
.sq9 |
Pro Tools I/O Settings |
.pio |
Pro Tools Clip Group |
.rgrp |
PSSDOS Protocol(s) file. |
.pts |
Popims Animation |
.pim |
桐 フォーム |
.wfm |
Portable Transcript Format |
.ptf |
PT5 File |
.pt5 |
PAR Recovery Volume |
.p24 |
Image File |
.ibb |
Dialogic VOX file |
.wto |
WebPlus Document |
.wpp |
SeqMan Assembly Project |
.sqd |
VBScript Encoded File |
.sqv |
Dialogic VOX file |
.sqw |
SQLite Database |
.sqt |
Dialogic VOX file |
.sqg |
Visual Studio Performance Session |
.psess |
DirectDraw Surface Image |
.dds |
SnagIt Editor Image |
.snag |
AVS Video Editor Project |
.vep4 |
AVS Video Editor Project |
.vep |
Windows Script Component |
.sct |
PowerISO File |
.nrg |
Report Definition File |
.rdl |
ストリーミング メディア メタファイル |
.ssm |
VMware virtual machine configuration |
.vmx |
Open Virtualization Format Distribution Package |
.ova |
Open Virtualization Format Package |
.ovf |
VMware suspended virtual machine state |
.vmss |
VMware virtual machine snapshot |
.vmsn |
Dialogic VOX file |
.sichbo-pvr |
DZA File |
.dza |
dzep File |
.dzep |
dzbl File |
.dzbl |
DZ3DT File |
.dz3dt |
DVD Photo Slideshow Professional Project File |
.pdm |
PDL File |
.pdl |
DZM File |
.dzm |
DZP File |
.dzp |
Cascading Style Sheet Document |
.css |
dzvc File |
.dzvc |
PowerISO File |
.cif |
PowerISO File |
.pdi |
PowerISO File |
.ncd |
JScript Script File |
.js |
Sonic Global Image File |
.gi |
Roxio Image File |
.c2d |
PowerISO File |
.dmg |
PowerISO File |
.fcd |
PowerISO File |
.b5i |
PowerISO File |
.p01 |
PowerISO File |
.pxi |
FL Studio project file |
.flp |
PowerISO File |
.wim |
IrfanView DCM File |
.ima |
VMDK File |
.vmdk |
AMR Wide-Band Content |
.awb |
MIDI Sequence |
.mid |
Active Server Page |
.asp |
RealPlayer File |
.rnx |
Qualcomm 拡張可変レート |
.evr |
Qualcomm 拡張可変レート |
.evrc |
RealSystem Track Info Style |
.rjt |
RealSystem ML File |
.rsml |
RealVideo Protected |
.rvx |
Dialogic VOX file |
.vlfteg2278782293557c95554a3cea67e7aa18ece2728d7e |
Presentations X3-Präsentation |
.shw |
1-2-3 Worksheet |
.wk4 |
Text Document |
.txt |
Video Pro X-Project |
.mvp |
disk project |
.dip |
Python Project File |
.pyproj |
Cloud Service Project file |
.ccproj |
Blu-ray playlist file |
.mpls |
Winamp media file |
.digi |
Winamp media file |
.mmcmp |
Winamp media file |
.mptm |
Winamp media file |
.pt36 |
Winamp media file |
.sfx2 |
Winamp media file |
.st26 |
Cloud Deployment Project file |
.deployproj |
JPEG Image |
.jpg |
MAGIX Partition Backup-Datei |
.mxp |
MAGIX Backup File |
.mbk |
MAGIX Burn Project |
.mbp |
Windows Workflow File |
.xoml |
Visual Studio SharePoint BDC Designer File |
.bdcm |
Visual Studio SharePoint BDC Designer Resource Fil |
.bdcr |
Dialogic VOX file |
.feature |
Dialogic VOX file |
.spdata |
Workflow Service file |
.xamlx |
Caspedia Digital Memories Publisher Content Packag |
.package |
Graphics Experiment file |
.vsglog |
Diagnostic Session file |
.diagsession |
Performance Report |
.vspx |
Dialogic VOX file |
.actions4 |
Dialogic VOX file |
.webpart |
EccoPro |
.ect |
SVG Document |
.svg |
Python File |
.py |
Python File (no console) |
.pyw |
Netscape Conference Call File |
.nsc |
File Association Manager |
.laccdb |
VisiTrax Library |
.ldb |
CD-Druckerei 6 - Datei |
.cdl |
Windows Media Player |
.acs |
File Association Manager |
.mrimg |
Dialogic VOX file |
.mrbak |
LSM Bild |
.giff |
Nokia Multimedia Player file |
.mms |
Wireless Bitmap Image |
.wbm |
AVS Video ReMaker Project |
.vrp |
OSP File |
.osp |
Microsoft Office Access Table Shortcut |
.mat |
NoiseTracker Module |
.nst |
IncrediMail Content |
.ims |
Microsoft Office Excel ODBC Query files |
.dqy |
Microsoft Excel XML Worksheet |
.xlxml |
Psion Series 3 |
.wve |
WinRAR archive |
.bz2 |
Dialogic VOX file |
.ssw |
IZArc YZ1 Archive |
.yz1 |
Dialogic VOX file |
.pfc |
SQX-Archiv |
.sqx |
Dialogic VOX file |
.bru |
Microsoft Expression Web 12.0 Dynamic Web Template |
.dwt |
DWG TrueView Drawing Standards File |
.dws |
Amiga Paint Image |
.lbm |
MicroStation DGN File |
.dgn |
Dialogic VOX file |
.npproj |
Blackmagic Raw Clip |
.braw |
ExitReality Scene |
.wrl |
Dr. Halo Image |
.cut |
Koala Paint Image |
.koa |
Multiple Network Graphics Image |
.mng |
Music |
.mt2 |
Microsoft Office Binder |
.obd |
Microsoft Office Binder Template |
.obt |
Subtitle File |
.idx |
FLIC file |
.flic |
AVC Blu-ray Disc Video |
.bsf |
Microsoft Office Word Document |
.docx |
mySewnet Picture |
.ecq |
Google SketchUp LayOut Document |
.layout |
Dialogic VOX file |
.fa-fax |
Adobe Acrobat PDFXML Document |
.pdfxml |
Windows Media Player |
.acrobatsecuritysettings |
Microsoft Office Outlook Profile Settings |
.prf |
Dialogic VOX file |
.secstore |
Dialogic VOX file |
.imsproj |
Microsoft Digital Image Document |
.fpx |
Micrografx Designer/Draw Image |
.drw |
Podcast Subscription File |
.pcast |
Neroカバーウィザードファイル |
.ncw |
Outlook Data File |
.pst |
Microsoft Digital Image Document |
.mix |
Data Foundation |
.dfx |
Microsoft Image Composer Image |
.mic |
OmniPage Image File |
.xif |
Microsoft Office Project Document |
.mpp |
Microsoft Office OneNote Table Of Contents |
.onetoc2 |
Microsoft Office Outlook Holidays |
.hol |
Windows Media Player |
.email |
Sony MicroMV File |
.mmv |
Dialogic VOX file |
.mailhost |
Adobe SWC PPDF |
.ppdf |
Dialogic VOX file |
.mailablistview |
Dialogic VOX file |
.mailview |
Windows Media Player |
.downloadhost |
Dialogic VOX file |
.mailabview |
DVD2AVI files |
.d2v |
FreeFileViewer TMP File |
.tmp |
Windows Media Player |
.3gpp2 |
sView Video |
.mk3d |
Text Document |
.cfg |
Microsoft Office Excel Backup File |
.xlk |
StuffIt Encoded File |
.pf |
TRADOStag Document |
.ttx |
Dialogic VOX file |
.tmf |
ツカエル経理 データファイル |
.blf |
Fractal Formulas |
.ufm |
Dialogic VOX file |
.log1 |
Cashbook Complete Backup File |
.bk1 |
TARGET 3001! Project (Backup) |
.bk2 |
Dialogic VOX file |
.crwl |
インストールファイル |
.ci |
Dialogic VOX file |
.mui |
File ridotti Scommesse Calcio Totoproject |
.btr |
Dialogic VOX file |
.gthr |
Dialogic VOX file |
.muimanifest |
Dialogic VOX file |
.onecache |
Dialogic VOX file |
.tmcontainer00000000000000000001 |
Dialogic VOX file |
.tmcontainer00000000000000000002 |
temp |
.log2 |
Pensione Fondo ELETTRICI |
.el |
Print Artist Project |
.pa |
Rich Text Format |
.rtf |
Microsoft Office Access MDE Database |
.mde |
Microsoft Office Access Add-in |
.mda |
Microsoft Office Access Project Extension |
.ade |
Microsoft Office Access Project |
.adp |
Microsoft Office Access Add-in |
.accda |
Microsoft Office Access Signed Package |
.accdc |
Microsoft Office Access ACCDE Database |
.accde |
Microsoft Access Web Application |
.accdw |
OST Package File |
.ost |
Microsoft Office OneNote 2003 Table Of Contents |
.onetoc |
ACDSee Pro 3 JPEG Bild |
.thm |
Thunderbird Document |
.eml |
Journal Template |
.jtp |
IrfanView CLP File |
.clp |
File Association Manager |
.resw |
Microsoft Office Access Workgroup Information |
.mdw |
AutoTRAX Design Express Part |
.part |
MPEG Media file |
.tpr |
Business Card Factory 2.0 |
.bcf |
MIDI Sequence |
.midi |
MIDI Sequence |
.rmi |
Windows Media Audio shortcut |
.wax |
Windows Backup Catalog File |
.wbcat |
Adobe Audition PK |
.pk |
SSA - File |
.ssa |
Photo Album |
.albm |
Clip Gallery Download Package |
.cil |
PVCNC_Control70 Control |
.all |
Adobe Audition Impluse File |
.imp |
Adobe Audition XFM |
.xfm |
Adobe Audition CV2 |
.cv2 |
Family Historian TreeFile |
.fh |
Windows Media Player |
.thumb |
Dialogic VOX file |
.appinstaller |
Dialogic VOX file |
.appxbundle |
Dialogic VOX file |
.c5e2524a-ea46-4f67-841f-6a9465d9d515 |
Dialogic VOX file |
.ms-lockscreencomponent-primary |
Dialogic VOX file |
.msixbundle |
Extracts package, reads manifest and unpacks VFS |
.appx |
Extracts package, reads manifest and unpacks VFS |
.msix |
Dialogic VOX file |
.solitairetheme8 |
Subtitle File |
.sub |
InstallShield project file |
.mst |
MagicISO Document |
.iso |
Soundforge Wow 64 Format |
.w64 |
Reflection Session |
.rwz |
KMP - Файл загрузки AVI |
.avi_neo_ |
KMP - Файл субтитров S2K |
.s2k |
StarOffice 5.0 文書ドキュメント |
.sdw |
Adobe Photoshop Elements Image |
.pdd |
Vuze Download |
.torrent |
一太郎 文書 |
.jtd |
一太郎 文書 |
.jtt |
JPEG Image |
.jpe |
MPEG-2 TS Video |
.tts |
Microsoft Office OneNote Section |
.one |
LitePro Project |
.plz |
Dialogic VOX file |
.off |
TheRecord Session document |
.trs |
Norman Data File |
.ndf |
MP4 Video |
.mp4v |
JPEG Image |
.jfif |
Video file - AVI |
.vp4 |
Digital audio file |
.krz |
SHV File |
.shv |
Embroidery.Document |
.be |
5DQDCreator.Document |
.4qb |
Badboy Document |
.bx |
PostScript Printer Stub |
.pss |
Husqvarna embroidery |
.dhv |
Premier+ Design Outline (EDO) |
.edo |
Premier+ Protected Embroidery |
.evp3 |
Premier+ Protected Embroidery |
.evp4 |
Dialogic VOX file |
.dxj |
Miro |
.mks |
AutoCAD DXFIX Support |
.dxt |
Windows Media Player |
.docmhtml |
Microsoft Word XML Document |
.docxml |
CDBurnerXP Data Compilation |
.dxp |
HTML Document |
.xhtm |
Nero CD カバードキュメント |
.cdc |
Briefcase |
.bfc |
Dialogic VOX file |
.rbi |
Dialogic VOX file |
.kbl |
DSD audio file |
.dff |
DSD audio file |
.dsf |
Adobe Audition FFT |
.fft |
Windows Media Audio/Video playlist |
.wmx |
Windows Media Audio/Video playlist |
.wvx |
Windows Media Audio/Video playlist |
.asx |
Fotos auf CD & DVD 9 deluxe-Projekt |
.mph |
Camtasia video |
.camv |
DVD slideshow GUI project file |
.dsg |
ArchiCAD Roof Properties |
.rpr |
AVG Diagnostics file |
.avgdx |
Dialogic VOX file |
.rvl |
Movie Clip |
.m1v |
Windows Media Audio/Video file |
.wm |
Dialogic VOX file |
.wpack |
Zoom Player File |
.zpl |
Streets & Trips Template |
.stt |
Dialogic VOX file |
.fsharproj |
Business Card Maker 32 Document |
.bcd |
T-Shirt Creator 32 Document |
.tsc |
AutoSoft Online Backup File |
.sri |
HelpDesk E-Mail Messag File |
.hde |
CheckBook v4.0 Database |
.cbd |
Theme Park Inc Coaster File |
.cos |
Windows Media Player Skin Package |
.wmz |
ADTS Audio |
.adts |
Microsoft Office Access Database Wizard Template |
.mdz |
Windows Media playlist |
.wpl |
HP Printer Control Language |
.prn |
Internet Communication Settings |
.ins |
Internet Communication Settings |
.isp |
XMind Markers Package |
.xmp |
Shortcut into a document |
.shb |
Scrap object |
.shs |
CDLS Document |
.dtp |
AVS DVD Menu Editor file |
.dvdmp |
Outlook Express Mail Box |
.dbx |
FX AccuCharts Chart Document |
.nch |
Global Mapper Document |
.opt |
Microsoft Word Backup Document |
.wbk |
Microsoft Office Excel XLL Add-In |
.xll |
Microsoft Office Excel Add-In |
.xla |
Movie Clip |
.mp2v |
Movie Clip |
.mpv2 |
Movie Clip |
.mod |
ADTS Audio |
.adt |
SWF Movie |
.spl |
Envisioneer 4.0 Express |
.bld |
Dialogic VOX file |
.08 |
Dialogic VOX file |
.wlpginstall |
Dialogic VOX file |
.wlpginstall3 |
Interactive Fiction Story File |
.glb |
Windows Media Player |
.bup |
KMP - SRT Subtitle File |
.srt |
CaseMap Send To Plug In |
.cmp |
FlexiDATA backup section file |
.fbx |
CALS Type 1 Raster Image |
.cals |
Video File |
.video |
Blaze Media Pro Playlist File |
.ply |
Adobe Fireworks STL File |
.stl |
MacPaint Image |
.mac |
3D Manufacturing Format |
.gltf |
Rating System File |
.rat |
vCalendar File |
.vcs |
Microsoft Excel 5.0 DialogSheet |
.xld |
File Association Manager |
.xlv |
Microsoft Graph 2000-Diagramm |
.gra |
系统文件 |
.wiz |
Flash Video file |
.iflv |
ratdvd file |
.ratdvd |
Firefox Document |
.xht |
Firefox Document |
.xhtml |
Microsoft Office OneNote Single File Package |
.onepkg |
Flash Document |
.fla |
WinRAR archive |
.7z |
Sound Forge Pro 10.0 Project |
.frg |
PowerISO File |
.mdf |
Stores an IMS object that can be merged in an IMS project |
.imsobj |
Dialogic VOX file |
.frp7 |
Calendar Creator Import Specification |
.cci |
Dialogic VOX file |
.locker |
Dialogic VOX file |
.mxb |
Dialogic VOX file |
.tq2 |
LSM Bild |
.rast |
.bwt |
UltraISO File |
.isz |
Lossless JPEG |
.ljp |
DesignPro54.ZDL |
.zdl |
DesignPro54.ZDS |
.zds |
B5T Image |
.b5t |
Xtreme Foto Designer Image |
.pai |
BlindWrite 6 image |
.b6t |
MPEG-4 Movie |
.mpg4 |
Microsoft Streets and Trips Map |
.est |
IrfanView RAS File |
.sun |
.PurblePairsSave-ms |
.purblepairssave-ms |
.PurbleShopSave-ms |
.purbleshopsave-ms |
.SolitaireSave-ms |
.solitairesave-ms |
.SpiderSolitaireSave-ms |
.spidersolitairesave-ms |
.MinesweeperSave-ms |
.minesweepersave-ms |
HTML Document |
.htm |
.FreeCellSave-ms |
.freecellsave-ms |
.HeartsSave-ms |
.heartssave-ms |
iTunes Database File |
.itdb |
iTunes Music Database File |
.itl |
WinRAR archive |
.taz |
WinRAR archive |
.tbz |
Microsoft Program Group |
.grp |
Other |
.vp6 |
WinMorph Project |
.mrf |
Directory Opus Command File |
.dcf |
TPF ファイル |
.tpf |
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File |
.265 |
Dialogic VOX file |
.w2d |
Micrografx FlowCharter 7 Dokument |
.sgt |
Nero BackItUp圧縮ファイル |
.nco |
iTunes Music Store URL |
.itms |
Podcast Subscription File |
.itpc |
Apple Device Application File |
.ipa |
iPod Game File |
.ipg |
Apple Device Software Update File |
.ipsw |
File Association Manager |
.csaplan |
File Association Manager |
.csplan |
Dialogic VOX file |
.translatorflight |
Studio Project |
.sta |
iTunes Extras |
.ite |
iTunes LP |
.itlp |
Icon |
.ico |
Microsoft Office Access Stored Procedure Shortcut |
.mas |
Cabinet File |
.cab |
スーパービデオCD編集 |
.nsd |
HFS CD編集 |
.nhf |
HD-BURN ビデオ編集 |
.nhv |
miniDVD編集 |
.nmd |
CD-ROM (MP3) 編集 |
.nr3 |
CD-ROM (AAC) 編集 |
.nr4 |
オーディオCD編集 |
.nra |
CD-ROM (ブータブル) 編集 |
.nrb |
.nrc |
DVDビデオ編集 |
.nrd |
CDエキストラ編集 |
.nre |
CD-ROM (ハイブリッド) 編集 |
.nrh |
CD-ROM (ISO) 編集 |
.nri |
ミックスモードCD編集 |
.nrm |
CD-ROM (EFIブータブル) 編集 |
.nrs |
CD-ROM (UDF) 編集 |
.nru |
ビデオCD編集 |
.nrv |
Safari Extension |
.safariextz |
Safari Extension |
.webarchive |
Dialogic VOX file |
.cnc3patch |
Dialogic VOX file |
.cnc3replay |
iTunes Live Stream File |
.itls |
KMP - ASS Subtitle File |
.ass |
TimeCoder Zip |
.cds |
Icon Collection |
.icc |
Paradox Table |
.db |
Windows Command Script |
.cmd |
Application |
.exe |
SureThing Office Labeler design |
.dsn |
GPS Exchange Format |
.gpx |
Punch! Home Design File |
.phd |
ATEasy Driver |
.drv |
AutoCAD ADS Autoload |
.ads |
C:\Program Files\VideoViewer\videoPlayer\VideoPlay |
.dvr |
CDMenuPro Metafile |
.cdmp |
PDADJ File |
.pdadj |
Dialogic VOX file |
.sriogg |
Application Reference |
.appref-ms |
Dialogic VOX file |
.icm |
Dialogic VOX file |
.nida |
Dialogic VOX file |
.nids |
Dialogic VOX file |
.wxml |
Phoenix Backup-Auftrag |
.phx |
Application Manifest |
.application |
Data |
.data |
Windows Media Player |
.wsb |
Nemetschek Internet Document |
.nid |
Windows Gadget |
.gadget |
Calendar Creator Event List |
.cce |
Control Panel |
.cpl |
Dialogic VOX file |
.gpbank |
Dialogic VOX file |
.desklink |
Windows Media Player |
.386 |
Windows Batch File |
.bat |
JPEG Network Graphics Image |
.jng |
Guitar Pro 3 Tablature |
.gp3 |
Guitar Pro 4 Tablature |
.gp4 |
Guitar Pro 5 Tablature |
.gp5 |
.btsearch |
Line 6 Tone |
.l6t |
MAGIX Fotoalbum |
.alb |
MS-DOS Application |
.com |
Corel PHOTO-PAINT 7.0 Image |
.cpt |
Phantom Drive Image |
.phi |
Windows Media Player |
.chk |
IrfanView ANI File |
.ani |
Icon Library |
.icl |
ACD 3D Settings |
.3ds |
Composite Font File |
.compositefont |
Cursor File |
.cur |
HTML Document |
.html |
HTML Application |
.hta |
LSM Bild |
.ps1 |
Windows PowerShell Data |
.psd1 |
Windows PowerShell Module |
.psm1 |
System Monitor File |
.blg |
Font file |
.fon |
IconDeveloper File |
.dll |
Dialogic VOX file |
.mmjlogset |
Dialogic VOX file |
.hpexplore |
Dialogic VOX file |
.amppl |
Dialogic VOX file |
.eqvdat |
Dialogic VOX file |
.sdsave |
Dialogic VOX file |
.gmmp |
Dialogic VOX file |
.camp |
pdgcp File |
.pdgcp |
pdlay File |
.pdlay |
Dialogic VOX file |
.wowsreplay |
SketchBook SKBRUSHES Image File |
.skbrushes |
Windows Media Player |
.hpdata |
Video Clip |
.jpgs |
Dialogic VOX file |
.sol8 |
Dialogic VOX file |
.hpgames |
Dialogic VOX file |
.hpinfinity |
Dialogic VOX file |
.hpreg |
Dialogic VOX file |
.na |
Dialogic VOX file |
.phone-companion-dummy-extension |
Google Earth KMZ |
.kmz |
Broderbund Label |
.lbl |
Lua Program |
.lua |
WinUtilities Document Protector |
.pfd |
Nero BackItUp テンプレートファイル |
.nbt |
Neroジョブテンプレートファイル |
.njt |
Nero分割ファイル |
.nc_ |
Nero BackItUpドライブアーカイブファイル |
.nda |
Nero BackItUp アーカイブファイル |
.nba |
Hörbuchzusammenstellung |
.nab |
Winamp Wiedergabeliste |
.b4s |
MPlayer Video File |
.jsv |
Family Historian Fact Set |
.fhf |
MPEG File |
.jvt |
Dialogic VOX file |
.albw |
Gepacktes EPLAN-Projekt |
.elp |
ExitReality Scene |
.dae |
C:\Program Files\VideoViewer\videoPlayer\VideoPlay |
.avc |
カシミール3D 地図データ |
.dim |
Movie Collection |
.mvc |
GameSpy Arcade Custom Service |
.apk |
Microsoft Access HTML Document |
.mdbhtml |
Microsoft Access HTML Template |
.wizhtml |
StuffIt Archive |
.ntx |
IZArc WAR Archive |
.war |
PowerArchiver RAR File |
.01 |
ToolBook II Book |
.tbk |
WISO Sparbuch 2009/2010 Datei |
.z10 |
PowerArchiver Encrypted File |
.pae |
PowerArchiver Backup Script |
.pbs |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.qwk |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.rep |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z01 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z02 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z03 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z04 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z05 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z06 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z07 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z08 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z09 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z11 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z12 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z13 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z14 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z15 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z16 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z17 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z18 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z19 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z20 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z21 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z22 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z23 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z24 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z25 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z26 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z27 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z28 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z29 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z30 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z31 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z32 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z33 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z34 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z35 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z36 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z37 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z38 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z39 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z40 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z41 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z42 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z43 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z44 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z45 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z46 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z47 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z48 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z49 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z50 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z51 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z52 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z53 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z54 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z55 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z56 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z57 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z58 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z59 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z60 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z61 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z62 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z63 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z64 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z65 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z66 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z67 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z68 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z69 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z70 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z71 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z72 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z73 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z74 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z75 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z76 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z77 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z78 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z79 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z80 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z81 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z82 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z83 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z84 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z85 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z86 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z87 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z88 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z89 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z90 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z91 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z92 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z93 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z94 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z95 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z97 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z98 |
PowerArchiver ZIP File |
.z99 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx00 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx01 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx02 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx03 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx04 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx05 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx06 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx07 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx08 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx09 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx10 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx11 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx12 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx13 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx14 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx15 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx16 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx17 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx18 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx19 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx20 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx21 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx22 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx23 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx24 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx25 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx26 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx27 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx28 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx29 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx30 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx31 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx32 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx33 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx34 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx35 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx36 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx37 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx38 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx39 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx40 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx41 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx42 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx43 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx44 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx45 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx46 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx47 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx48 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx49 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx50 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx51 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx52 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx53 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx54 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx55 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx56 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx57 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx58 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx59 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx60 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx61 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx62 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx63 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx64 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx65 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx66 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx67 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx68 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx69 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx70 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx71 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx72 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx73 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx74 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx75 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx76 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx77 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx78 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx79 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx80 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx81 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx82 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx83 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx84 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx85 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx86 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx87 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx88 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx89 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx90 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx91 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx92 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx93 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx94 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx95 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx96 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx97 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx98 |
PowerArchiver ZIPX File |
.zx99 |
Dialogic VOX file |
.nmh-stream |
ACDSee 8.0 PSD Bild |
.psd-backupbyphotoshopcs5portable |
Conference Recording |
.rmv |
Dialogic VOX file |
.xvid-pride86 |
Torrent file |
.btapp |
Torrent file |
.btinstall |
Torrent file |
.btkey |
Torrent file |
.btskin |
Lotus Freelance Presentation |
.pre |
backup File |
.bak |
GrabIt NZB file |
.nzb |
Nero Jukebox Audiozusammenstellung |
.nrj |
Nero BackItUp 情報ファイル |
.nbi |
Nero CDカバーテンプレート |
.nct |
Neroジョブ情報ファイル |
.nji |
OpenDocument Drawing |
.odg |
OpenOffice.org 1.1 Drawing |
.sxd |
Sibelius Score |
.sib |
Citrix ICA Client |
.ica |
WinZip File |
.r30 |
WinZip File |
.r31 |
WinZip File |
.r32 |
WinZip File |
.r33 |
WinZip File |
.r34 |
WinZip File |
.r35 |
WinZip File |
.r36 |
WinZip File |
.r37 |
WinZip File |
.r38 |
WinZip File |
.r39 |
WinZip File |
.r40 |
WinZip File |
.r41 |
WinZip File |
.r42 |
WinZip File |
.r43 |
WinZip File |
.r44 |
WinZip File |
.r45 |
WinZip File |
.r46 |
WinZip File |
.r47 |
WinZip File |
.r48 |
WinZip File |
.r49 |
WinZip File |
.r50 |
WinZip File |
.r51 |
WinZip File |
.r52 |
WinZip File |
.r53 |
WinZip File |
.r54 |
WinZip File |
.r55 |
WinZip File |
.r56 |
WinZip File |
.r57 |
WinZip File |
.r58 |
WinZip File |
.r59 |
WinZip File |
.r60 |
WinZip File |
.r61 |
WinZip File |
.r62 |
WinZip File |
.r63 |
WinZip File |
.r64 |
WinZip File |
.r65 |
WinZip File |
.r66 |
WinZip File |
.r67 |
WinZip File |
.r68 |
WinZip File |
.r69 |
WinZip File |
.r70 |
WinZip File |
.r71 |
WinZip File |
.r72 |
WinZip File |
.r73 |
WinZip File |
.r74 |
WinZip File |
.r75 |
WinZip File |
.r76 |
WinZip File |
.r77 |
WinZip File |
.r78 |
WinZip File |
.r79 |
WinZip File |
.r80 |
WinZip File |
.r81 |
WinZip File |
.r82 |
WinZip File |
.r83 |
WinZip File |
.r84 |
WinZip File |
.r85 |
WinZip File |
.r86 |
WinZip File |
.r87 |
WinZip File |
.r88 |
WinZip File |
.r89 |
WinZip File |
.r90 |
WinZip File |
.r91 |
WinZip File |
.r92 |
WinZip File |
.r93 |
WinZip File |
.r94 |
WinZip File |
.r95 |
WinZip File |
.r96 |
WinZip File |
.r97 |
WinZip File |
.r98 |
WinZip File |
.r99 |
Safari Download |
.download |
CorelDRAW 12.0 Graphic |
.cdt |
CorelDRAW X4 Graphic |
.csl |
UltimateZip file |
.ear |
UltimateZip Pk3 File |
.pk3 |
BH ファイル |
.bh |
Wireshark capture file |
.enc |
Microsoft Office Access Runtime Application |
.accdr |
Microsoft Office Access Add-in Data |
.accdu |
WinRAR archive |
.ace |
ACDSee Pro 2.5 HDR Bild |
.hdr |
Visual Basic User Control |
.ctl |
Microsoft Office List Shortcut |
.ols |
WinRAR archive |
.r00 |
WinRAR archive |
.r01 |
WinRAR archive |
.r02 |
WinRAR archive |
.r03 |
WinRAR archive |
.r04 |
WinRAR archive |
.r05 |
WinRAR archive |
.r06 |
WinRAR archive |
.r07 |
WinRAR archive |
.r08 |
WinRAR archive |
.r09 |
WinRAR archive |
.r10 |
WinRAR archive |
.r11 |
WinRAR archive |
.r12 |
WinRAR archive |
.r13 |
WinRAR archive |
.r14 |
WinRAR archive |
.r15 |
WinRAR archive |
.r16 |
WinRAR archive |
.r17 |
WinRAR archive |
.r18 |
WinRAR archive |
.r19 |
WinRAR archive |
.r20 |
WinRAR archive |
.r21 |
WinRAR archive |
.r22 |
WinRAR archive |
.r23 |
WinRAR archive |
.r24 |
WinRAR archive |
.r25 |
WinRAR archive |
.r26 |
WinRAR archive |
.r27 |
WinRAR archive |
.r28 |
WinRAR archive |
.r29 |
Microsoft Office Excel 4.0 Macro |
.xlm |
Microsoft Office Access Blank Database Template |
.mdn |
Microsoft Office Access Add-in Data |
.mdt |
File Association Manager |
.mau |
Microsoft Office Access View Shortcut |
.mav |
Microsoft Office Access Data Access Page Shortcut |
.maw |
Microsoft Office Access Query Shortcut |
.maq |
Microsoft Office Access Report Shortcut |
.mar |
Microsoft Office Access Macro Shortcut |
.mam |
Microsoft Office Access Module Shortcut |
.mad |
Microsoft Office Access Form Shortcut |
.maf |
Microsoft Office Access Diagram Shortcut |
.mag |
Class Diagram file |
.cd |
Microsoft Office Access Blank Project Template |
.adn |
Dialogic VOX file |
.exe&cc=us&setlang=en-us&nclid=2eeaffb2d5938914f05 |
Dialogic VOX file |
.mcperf |
Affinity Publisher File |
.afbrushes |
Dialogic VOX file |
.jpegxr |
Raw Video |
.h265 |
HEVC Video |
.hevc |
Dialogic VOX file |
.mcaddon |
Dialogic VOX file |
.mcpack |
Dialogic VOX file |
.mcshortcut |
Dialogic VOX file |
.mctemplate |
File Association Manager |
.lfp |
File Association Manager |
.fh11 |
File Association Manager |
.mcworld |
Affinity Publisher File |
.afpub |
Microsoft PowerPoint Wizard |
.pwz |
Windows Live Mail News Message |
.nws |
Outlook Item Template |
.oft |
Microsoft Office PowerPoint 97-2003 Addin |
.ppa |
Visual F# Script file |
.fsscript |
Visual F# Script file |
.fsx |
Visual F# Source file |
.fs |
Visual F# Signature file |
.fsi |
ACDSee Pro 2.5 ABR Bild |
.abr |
VLC media file (.mpeg2) |
.mpeg2 |
Broderbund Scrapbook Page |
.sbp |
Media Center file |
.bpl |
Media Center file |
.mp+ |
Microsoft Excel HTML Document |
.xlshtml |
Microsoft Excel HTML Template |
.xlthtml |
Microsoft PowerPoint HTML Template |
.pothtml |
Microsoft PowerPoint HTML Document |
.ppthtml |
Microsoft PowerPoint XML Presentation |
.pptxml |
Google SketchUp Model |
.skp |
Corel Print Style |
.prs |
Microsoft Word HTML Document |
.dochtml |
Microsoft Word HTML Template |
.dothtml |
Quattro Pro X3-Arbeitsmappe |
.qpw |
P2G File |
.p2g |
NeroVision Dokument |
.nvc |
InstallShield project file |
.pcp |
MyScript NOTES file |
.notes |
All My Books database |
.amb |
Media Jukebox file |
.rim |
Media Jukebox file |
.rmid |
BendBroadbandMusic.1.Mime |
.syncrmime |
Media Center file |
.tivo |
File Association Manager |
.fh10 |
Dialogic VOX file |
.sfk |
Chrome HTML Document |
.mhtm |
Slick-C Header File |
.sh |
Erlang source file |
.erl |
Microsoft PowerPoint 97-2003 Presentation |
. |
Pagis Electronic Document |
.prz |
ZoneAlarm MailSafe file |
.z0 |
ZoneAlarm MailSafe file |
.z1 |
ZoneAlarm MailSafe file |
.zl0 |
ZoneAlarm MailSafe file |
.zl1 |
ZoneAlarm MailSafe file |
.zl2 |
ZoneAlarm MailSafe file |
.zl3 |
ZoneAlarm MailSafe file |
.zl4 |
ZoneAlarm MailSafe file |
.zl5 |
ZoneAlarm MailSafe file |
.zl6 |
ZoneAlarm MailSafe file |
.zl7 |
ZoneAlarm MailSafe file |
.zl8 |
ZoneAlarm MailSafe file |
.zl9 |
ZoneAlarm MailSafe file |
.zla |
ZoneAlarm MailSafe file |
.zlb |
ZoneAlarm MailSafe file |
.zlc |
ZoneAlarm MailSafe file |
.zld |
ZoneAlarm MailSafe file |
.zle |
ZoneAlarm MailSafe file |
.zlf |
ZoneAlarm MailSafe file |
.zlg |
ZoneAlarm MailSafe file |
.zlh |
ZoneAlarm MailSafe file |
.zli |
ZoneAlarm MailSafe file |
.zlj |
ZoneAlarm MailSafe file |
.zlk |
ZoneAlarm MailSafe file |
.zll |
ZoneAlarm MailSafe file |
.zlm |
ZoneAlarm MailSafe file |
.zln |
ZoneAlarm MailSafe file |
.zlo |
ZoneAlarm MailSafe file |
.zlp |
ZoneAlarm MailSafe file |
.zlq |
ZoneAlarm MailSafe file |
.zlr |
ZoneAlarm MailSafe file |
.zls |
ZoneAlarm MailSafe file |
.zlt |
ZoneAlarm MailSafe file |
.zlu |
ZoneAlarm MailSafe file |
.zlv |
ZoneAlarm MailSafe file |
.zlw |
ZoneAlarm MailSafe file |
.zlx |
ZoneAlarm MailSafe file |
.zly |
ZoneAlarm MailSafe file |
.zlz |
ZoneAlarm MailSafe file |
.zm0 |
ZoneAlarm MailSafe file |
.zm1 |
ZoneAlarm MailSafe file |
.zm2 |
ZoneAlarm MailSafe file |
.zm3 |
ZoneAlarm MailSafe file |
.zm4 |
ZoneAlarm MailSafe file |
.zm5 |
ZoneAlarm MailSafe file |
.zm6 |
ZoneAlarm MailSafe file |
.zm7 |
ZoneAlarm MailSafe file |
.zm8 |
ZoneAlarm MailSafe file |
.zm9 |
ZoneAlarm MailSafe file |
.zma |
ZoneAlarm MailSafe file |
.zmb |
ZoneAlarm MailSafe file |
.zmc |
ZoneAlarm MailSafe file |
.zme |
Z Engine Mod Export File |
.zmd |
Visual Studio Directed Graph Document |
.dgml |
GameSpy Arcade Launch |
.arcade |
WinAce preset file |
.wpf |
.dx |
Art Explosion Publisher Pro Document |
.npp |
iTunes Music Player |
.plist |
.alx |
SequenceDesigner File |
.sequencediagram |
UseCase File |
.usecasediagram |
Visual Studio Web Test File |
.webtest |
Visual Studio Web Test Result File |
.webtestresult |
Work Item Query |
.wiq |
Activity Diagram File |
.activitydiagram |
LogicalClassDesigner File |
.classdiagram |
ComponentDesigner File |
.componentdiagram |
LayerDesigner File |
.layerdiagram |
Visual Studio Load Test File |
.loadtest |
Microsoft Environment Viewer |
.lvr |
Modeling Project File |
.modelproj |
Multisim |
.msm |
Camtasia Studio Project |
.camproj |
Camtasia Recorder Document |
.camrec |
Camtasia MenuMaker Project |
.cmmp |
Camtasia MenuMaker Template |
.cmmtpl |
Camtasia Studio Library Assets |
.libzip |
ASF Stream Description File |
.asd |
Autodesk Project Information |
.apj |
Dialogic VOX file |
.vsz |
All My Movies database |
.amm |
Windows Media Player |
.qtx |
StuffIt Compressed File |
.1 |
Snapshot Portfolio Document |
.mif |
Gizmo Launch Document |
.mpi |
Qtracker Update |
.qtp |
Qtracker PlayerWatch Skin |
.qts |
MasterCook MealPlan |
.pln |
Text Document |
.lic |
RIS Formatted File |
.ris |
DsgnChkRpt Document |
.drp |
SimpleSend Transfer Configuration |
.ssf |
NSIS Header File |
.nsh |
DD+ 音頻 |
.ddp |
印刷工房2001ファイル |
.dri |
posterXXL.de Bestellsoftware Project |
.xpp |
Dialogic VOX file |
.myi |
Butler Advantage XE |
.adv |
·ÉÐűíÇé°üÎļþ |
.ffl |
.trn |
Edit with SkinStudio |
.usf |
Windows Media Player |
.qpa |
Dialogic VOX file |
.ch3 |
Dialogic VOX file |
.fw3 |
Dialogic VOX file |
.nsg |
Dialogic VOX file |
.sy3 |
Dialogic VOX file |
.wpw |
Visual Studio Macro Project (Binary) |
.vsmacros |
Visual Studio Macro Project (Text) |
.vsmproj |
Dialogic VOX file |
.dat0 |
Dialogic VOX file |
.fda3f65b |
Dialogic VOX file |
.item_collection |
Dialogic VOX file |
.saa |
Dialogic VOX file |
.ekl |
OnlineSync |
.sync |
Dialogic VOX file |
.udm |
Dialogic VOX file |
.kwpatch |
Dialogic VOX file |
.kwreplay |
Dialogic VOX file |
.fla_ |
Dialogic VOX file |
.rar_ |
RPG Source File |
.rpg |
Business Layer |
.blx |
Dialogic VOX file |
.vspf |
Dialogic VOX file |
.snk |
Disketch Project |
.deproj |
Dialogic VOX file |
._sln100 |
Dialogic VOX file |
._sln60 |
Dialogic VOX file |
._sln70 |
Dialogic VOX file |
._sln71 |
Dialogic VOX file |
._sln80 |
Dialogic VOX file |
._sln90 |
Dialogic VOX file |
._vbxsln100 |
Dialogic VOX file |
._vbxsln80 |
Dialogic VOX file |
._vbxsln90 |
Dialogic VOX file |
._vcppxsln100 |
Dialogic VOX file |
._vcppxsln80 |
Dialogic VOX file |
._vcppxsln90 |
Dialogic VOX file |
._vcsxsln100 |
Dialogic VOX file |
._vcsxsln80 |
Dialogic VOX file |
._vcsxsln90 |
Dialogic VOX file |
._vjsxsln80 |
Dialogic VOX file |
._vpdxsln100 |
Dialogic VOX file |
._vwdxsln100 |
Dialogic VOX file |
._vwdxsln80 |
Dialogic VOX file |
._vwdxsln90 |
Dialogic VOX file |
.ffa |
Dialogic VOX file |
.ibd |
Dialogic VOX file |
.moviestudioexecutableicon |
Dialogic VOX file |
.obs |
EasyBCD recovery & stage files |
.mbr |
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File |
.15 |
AlphaZip tar.gz archive |
.targz |
Dialogic VOX file |
.wg2 |
CorelDRAW X5 Graphic |
.wq1 |
Dialogic VOX file |
.wq2 |
PCStitch Stitched Font |
.stf |
Enterprise Architectプロジェクト |
.eap |
JPEG Bild |
._sln |
iTunes Music Player |
.qtr |
Familytx Document |
.ftx |
MFR File |
.mfr |
Microchip MPLAB.Workspace |
.mcw |
Compiled Visual dBASE Custom Data Module |
.cdo |
Lotus Freelance 9 Presentation |
.pal |
Weather Watcher Live Skin Package |
.wwls |
.isd |
MPlayer Video File |
.26l |
Dialogic VOX file |
.pip |
Paint Shop Pro 7 Image |
.pgl |
StarOffice 5.0 表計算ドキュメント |
.sdc |
VideoPad Project |
.vpj |
InstallShield project file |
.ipo |
InstallShield project file |
.ise |
InstallShield project file |
.ism |
InstallShield template file |
.ist |
InstallShield project file |
.isv |
CrazyTalk4 Model File |
.ctm |
Quattro Pro X3-Arbeitsmappe |
.wb1 |
Quattro Pro X3-Arbeitsmappe |
.wb3 |
Perfect Clarity Audio |
.pca |
.sfa |
1-2-3 Worksheet |
.wk3 |
1-2-3 Worksheet |
.wrk |
1-2-3 SmartMaster |
.wt4 |
Nokia Application Installer Datei |
.sis |
Photostage Project |
.spj |
Gartrip data file |
.wp |
一太郎 文書 |
.jbw |
IrfanView LDF File |
.ldf |
Dialogic VOX file |
.ast |
AMC Movie |
.amc |
Microsoft Analysis Server DMX File |
.dmx |
Integration Services Package |
.dtsx |
Visual Basic Form File |
.frm |
Visual F# Project file |
.fsproj |
Visual Studio Code Coverage XML File |
.coveragexml |
Database Project file |
.dbproj |
Dialogic VOX file |
.suo |
QuickTime Image |
.qti |
QuickTime Image |
.qtif |
Windows Media Player |
.qht |
Windows Media Player |
.qhtm |
Microsoft Visual Studio Extension |
.vsix |
MacPaint Image |
.pnt |
MacPaint Image |
.pntg |
Microsoft Visual FoxPro Menu |
.mpr |
Microsoft Analysis Server MDX File |
.mdx |
AutoCAD Menu Template |
.mnu |
Report Definition File |
.rdlc |
Weblog Post |
.wpost |
Visual Studio Community Content Installer File |
.vsi |
Microsoft Visio Workspace |
.vsw |
Visual Studio Deployment Project |
.vdp |
Visual Studio Deployment Project |
.vdproj |
Visual Studio Community Content Installer File |
.vscontent |
Wireshark capture file |
.trc |
WFC Trace File |
.svclog |
Integration Services Deployment Manifest |
.ssisdeploymentmanifest |
Microsoft TraceView Project File |
.stvproj |
BlogThis data file |
.blogthis |
OR Designer |
.dbml |
Integration Services Configuration |
.dtsconfig |
ACDSee Ultimate 2019 AFPHOTO Image |
.afphoto |
IdeaPlusEng |
.ipe |
Dialogic VOX file |
.kkv |
Dialogic VOX file |
.kkw |
Dialogic VOX file |
.ses_auto_file |
Dialogic VOX file |
.song_auto_file |
Affinity Designer File |
.aftemplate |
Dialogic VOX file |
.-- |
Dialogic VOX file |
.afpackage |
Dialogic VOX file |
.com&cc=us&setlang=en-us&nclid=2eeaffb2d5938914f05 |
Dialogic VOX file |
.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=838433 |
Dialogic VOX file |
.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=838434 |
Dialogic VOX file |
.com/i/u?t=1&cn=zmxleglibgvfcmvjcw%3d%3d&sig=56591 |
Dialogic VOX file |
.com/search?q=how%20do%20i%20burn%20a%20cd%20from% |
Dialogic VOX file |
.objz |
Dialogic VOX file |
.php?guid=561d9992753f1302ed7b393cc3f4f1cc&key=767 |
Dialogic VOX file |
.ru/mark-valley/ |
Dialogic VOX file |
.ssdp//uuid:adf18ec0-8351-44a2-874f-c4b37fc77d04 |
Dialogic VOX file |
.exe&ocid=qf |
Dialogic VOX file |
.hsfd |
Dialogic VOX file |
.hssd |
Dialogic VOX file |
.jpg%26ocid%3dmsnriw10a&vi=1511674697957&p=zimbio- |
Dialogic VOX file |
.mdtext |
Dialogic VOX file |
.mdtxt |
Dialogic VOX file |
.mdwn |
Dialogic VOX file |
.mkdn |
Dialogic VOX file |
.bettertogether |
Dialogic VOX file |
.crossshare |
Dialogic VOX file |
.rtttl |
Dialogic VOX file |
.editorconfig |
Dialogic VOX file |
.code-workspace |
Dialogic VOX file |
.bash_login |
Dialogic VOX file |
.bash_logout |
Dialogic VOX file |
.bowerrc |
Dialogic VOX file |
.cljs |
Dialogic VOX file |
.cljx |
Dialogic VOX file |
.clojure |
Dialogic VOX file |
.containerfile |
Dialogic VOX file |
.dockerfile |
Dialogic VOX file |
.eyaml |
Dialogic VOX file |
.eyml |
Dialogic VOX file |
.gemspec |
Dialogic VOX file |
.jade |
Dialogic VOX file |
.jscsrc |
Dialogic VOX file |
.jshintrc |
Dialogic VOX file |
.jshtm |
Dialogic VOX file |
.makefile |
Dialogic VOX file |
.npmignore |
Dialogic VOX file |
.prtextstyle |
Dialogic VOX file |
.psgi |
Dialogic VOX file |
.rprofile |
Dialogic VOX file |
.bink |
Dialogic VOX file |
.boa |
Dialogic VOX file |
.cavsvideo |
Dialogic VOX file |
.daud |
Dialogic VOX file |
.dnxhd |
Dialogic VOX file |
.idcin |
Dialogic VOX file |
.iv8 |
Dialogic VOX file |
.matroshka |
Dialogic VOX file |
.nist |
Dialogic VOX file |
.rawvideo |
Dialogic VOX file |
.smjpeg |
Dialogic VOX file |
.tob |
Dialogic VOX file |
.vqe |
Dialogic VOX file |
.vql |
Dialogic VOX file |
.yuv4mpegpipe |
Dialogic VOX file |
.007_auto_file |
Dialogic VOX file |
.catalog_auto_file |
Dialogic VOX file |
.chxx |
Dialogic VOX file |
.phototastic |
Dialogic VOX file |
.tmp_auto_file |
Dialogic VOX file |
.uzip_auto_file |
Dialogic VOX file |
.abr_auto_file |
Dialogic VOX file |
.pod_auto_file |
Dialogic VOX file |
.cf_ |
Dialogic VOX file |
.de_ |
Dialogic VOX file |
.img-old |
Dialogic VOX file |
.nvu |
Dialogic VOX file |
.exprwdshtm |
Dialogic VOX file |
.exprwdshtml |
Dialogic VOX file |
.exprwdstm |
Dialogic VOX file |
.pcat |
Dialogic VOX file |
.pspx |
File Association Manager |
.dcpr |
File Association Manager |
.dtshd |
File Association Manager |
.al |
File Association Manager |
.bash_profile |
SelecSys Import Data |
.p3r |
File Association Manager |
.aea |
File Association Manager |
.mdown |
File Association Manager |
.mxmf |
File Association Manager |
.p3l |
File Association Manager |
.p3m |
Dialogic VOX file |
.gitconfig |
CaseWare JavaScript File |
.cjs |
RealText |
.vidon |
Dialogic VOX file |
.dirac |
Dialogic VOX file |
.1&cc=us&setlang=en-us&nclid=2eeaffb2d5938914f0508 |
Dialogic VOX file |
.1+sign+in&form=wnsgph&qs=ls&cvid=a861a8507a3244ee |
Dialogic VOX file |
.3dhsm |
Dialogic VOX file |
.3dhss |
Dialogic VOX file |
.accountant/mark-valley/ |
Dialogic VOX file |
.ago |
Dialogic VOX file |
.com%2fsearch%3fq%3dbirdshit%26form%3dwnsgph%26qs% |
Affinity Designer File |
.afdesign |
IRCAM File |
.ircam |
File Association Manager |
.vivo |
Notepad++ Document |
.bash |
Adobe Acrobat Forms Document |
.fdf |
DeviceEmulator Saved State File |
.dess |
MHTML Document |
.mht |
MHTML Document |
.mhtml |
JNLP File |
.jnlp |
Microsoft SQL Server Deadlock File |
.xdl |
Dial-Up Phonebook |
.pbk |
Intel PROSet/Wireless AutoImport File |
.p10 |
GIMP pattern |
.pat |
Artweaver Gradient |
.grd |
Intel PROSet/Wireless AutoImport File |
.profile |
Dynojet PC3 Usb Map File |
.djm |
OpenDocument Formula |
.odf |
PHP file |
.tpl |
Windows Grep parameter file |
.par |
PhotoStudio File |
.psf |
Adobe Acrobat Rights Management Document |
.rmf |
Melco Design File |
.shc |
File Association Manager |
.shh |
FileType_en_US_default |
.stc |
File Association Manager |
.ffo |
LabVIEW Control Template |
.ctt |
Chat File |
.cha |
Cineon Image File |
.cin |
Alphacam Mill Post |
.amp |
All My Software database |
.ams |
File Association Manager |
.alv |
Finale AutoSave File |
.asv |
SNA Trace Viewer |
.atf |
アスレチックニュース |
.atn |
ORCA AVA Datenbank |
.ava |
AutoRoute Template |
.axt |
ALSong asl File |
.asl |
Windows Media Player |
.acf |
Artweaver Color Set |
.aco |
VPS Static Interference Check Result File(Encrypted) |
.acv |
ADOSViewer Document |
.ado |
Humid-A-ware Document |
.ahs |
File Association Manager |
.ahu |
VLC media file (.mpeg4) |
.mpeg4 |
VLC media file (.mpeg1) |
.mpeg1 |
Raw Midi Sample Dump Standard File |
.sds |
AVS DVD Authoring Project |
.dvdprj |
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Library |
.aglib |
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Module |
.agmodule |
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Toolkit |
.agtoolkit |
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Catalog |
.lrcat |
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Library |
.lrdb |
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Web Gallery |
.lrweb |
JS連続印刷設定ファイル |
.jpt |
OmniPage Image File |
.dcx |
CSF file |
.csf |
PowerBackup Archive File |
.pba |
Document OmniPage |
.opd |
F-Secure Hot-Fix |
.fsfix |
License Key Code File |
.fskey |
Media Catalog File |
.mgc |
Media Catalog File |
.mmw |
Adobe DRM Activation File |
.edn |
GIF Image |
.gfa |
Expression Encoder Smooth Streaming File |
.ismv |
Adobe PhotoDeluxe Home Edition PlugIn |
.8ba |
8BallClub Saved Games |
.8bc |
Adobe PhotoDeluxe Home Edition PlugIn |
.8be |
Adobe PhotoDeluxe Home Edition PlugIn |
.8bf |
Adobe PhotoDeluxe Home Edition PlugIn |
.8bi |
Dialogic VOX file |
.8bp |
File Association Manager |
.8bs |
Adobe PhotoDeluxe Home Edition PlugIn |
.8bx |
Adobe PhotoDeluxe Home Edition PlugIn |
.8by |
File Association Manager |
.8li |
ACDSee Pro 3 SGI Bild |
.int |
ACDSee Pro 3 PSP Bild |
.pspbrush |
ACDSee Pro 3 PICS Video |
.pics |
Virtual CD Image |
.vc4 |
ACDSee Pro 3 SFIL Video |
.sfil |
ACDSee Pro 3 QTPF Video |
.qtpf |
MSE File |
.mse |
Serif DrawPlus Drawing |
.dpx |
PLU250 Document |
.plu250 |
.aus |
SCT-Bilder |
.ct |
ElsterFormular |
.elfo |
PhotoCD-Playlist |
.m3x |
MAGIX Video |
.mxv |
VideoCD-Playlist |
.plv |
DAO Image |
.dao |
Expert Witness Format |
.e01 |
GCD Image |
.gcd |
IsoBuster IBP Image |
.ibp |
.vis |
WordPerfect-Bilder |
.vwpg |
COREL Texture |
.tex |
WPEntrust Verschlüsseltes Dokument |
.wpe |
PaperPort Document |
.max |
Microsoft Office FrontPage Web Package |
.fwp |
Fixlet Pool |
.fxg |
Microsoft Excel OLE DB Query files |
.rqy |
Microsoft Excel OLAP Query File |
.oqy |
OpenOffice.org Extension |
.oxt |
OpenDocument Master Document |
.odm |
OpenDocument Drawing Template |
.otg |
HTML Document Template |
.oth |
OpenDocument Presentation Template |
.otp |
OpenDocument Spreadsheet Template |
.ots |
OpenDocument Text Template |
.ott |
OpenOffice.org 1.1 Master Document |
.sxg |
OpenOffice.org 1.1 Presentation |
.sxi |
OpenOffice.org 1.1 Formula |
.sxm |
OpenOffice.org 1.1 Text Document |
.sxw |
OpenOffice.org 1.1 Text Document Template |
.stw |
OpenOffice.org 1.1 Spreadsheet |
.sxc |
OpenOffice.org 1.1 Drawing Template |
.std |
StarOffice 5.0 プレゼンテーション |
.sdd |
StarOffice 5.0 マスタードキュメント |
.sgl |
Protean Protease Catalog |
.ase |
Text Document |
.rtx |
Ulead PhotoImpact Image |
.ufo |
Ulead PhotoImpact Image |
.ufp |
StarOffice 5.0 図形描画 |
.sda |
OpenDocument データベース |
.odb |
SiteMapper Document |
.csm |
Micrografx Picture Publisher 8 Image |
.ppf |
Disk Image |
.do |
Sonnet Project File |
.son |
DVD Profiler File |
.dvdprofiler |
BackupXpress Project |
.bpr |
PCLReader |
.xl |
Photo! Web Album |
.wprj |
プリント工房2010住所ファイル |
.ada |
Sweet Home 3D |
.sh3f |
Sweet Home 3D |
.sh3p |
ACD FotoAngelo project file |
.fap |
Rimage Image |
.rmg |
Movie-PhotoPrint ファイル |
.bmv |
Backgammon Saved Game |
.sbg |
Lotus 1-2-3 9 Smart Master |
.12m |
Lotus Word Pro 9 SmartMaster |
.mwp |
MLS Document |
.mls |
Lotus Freelance 9 Content Master |
.smc |
BibTeX Database |
.bib |
OpenDocument Zeichnung |
.fodg |
OpenDocument Präsentation |
.fodp |
OpenDocument Tabellendokument |
.fods |
OpenDocument Text |
.fodt |
52DISKL オート変換ファイル |
.aut |
Dialogic VOX file |
.bub |
Dialogic VOX file |
.ipx |
MX900Document |
.mxg |
Project File |
.ota |
Video file - AVI |
.vp8 |
Toad MSSQL Data Compare Project |
.dcp |
CAD Draw 8 Zeichnung |
.mkd |
Offline Explorer Sequencer file |
.soe |
Sweet Home 3D |
.sh3d |
ArchiCAD Team Project Local Draft |
.plc |
AAA Logo Project File |
.al8 |
ivmfile |
.ivm |
図脳RAPID15PRO図面 |
.zsd |
Dialogic VOX file |
.jod |
PROFFIX Listen Export (alt) |
.ple |
eCopy Document |
.cpy |
GoldWave Document |
.afc |
3ds max custom user interface layout file |
.cui |
3ds max image file list |
.ifl |
3ds max keyboard file |
.kbd |
3ds max quad menu settings file |
.qop |
BIF Image |
.sdg |
PSoC Designer Application |
.soc |
Actuate e.Spreadsheet Design |
.sod |
Dialogic VOX file |
.sog |
Dialogic VOX file |
.soh |
Cliprex Skin File |
.csk |
WiX Include File |
.wxi |
WiX Localization File |
.wxl |
WiX Source File |
.wxs |
Agilix EPOS Note file |
.ant |
File Association Manager |
.irs |
Sonicfire Pro Project File |
.seq |
Movie File (MPEG) |
.mpg2 |
LSM Bild |
.pm |
WinFlex Document |
.wfc |
YUV תמונה |
.dol |
.phy |
Dialogic VOX file |
.arw valuetype: string |
Dialogic VOX file |
.cr2 valuetype: string |
Dialogic VOX file |
.crw valuetype: string |
Dialogic VOX file |
.dng valuetype: string |
Dialogic VOX file |
.erf valuetype: string |
Dialogic VOX file |
.iip |
Dialogic VOX file |
.mrw valuetype: string |
Dialogic VOX file |
.nef valuetype: string |
Dialogic VOX file |
.orf valuetype: string |
Dialogic VOX file |
.pef valuetype: string |
Dialogic VOX file |
.raf valuetype: string |
Dialogic VOX file |
.raw valuetype: string |
Dialogic VOX file |
.sr2 valuetype: string |
ADX Audio File |
.adx |
Navin' You Basic Package |
.nvi |
MyLifeOrganized Data File |
.ml |
CSLU Sound Object |
.sob |
3D Rad Project |
.3dr |
Dialogic VOX file |
.bau |
Dialogic VOX file |
.xcu |
MathNote Document |
.moc |
Crossword Maestro crossword |
.cmo |
Dialogic VOX file |
.pse10db |
IMelody melody file |
.imy |
Dialogic VOX file |
.gpi |
rptviewer3File |
.fr3 |
Tinn-R |
.rhistory |
File Association Manager |
.fl3 |
Dialogic VOX file |
.pie |
Dialogic VOX file |
.zhdb |
UltimateUnwrap3D |
.u3d |
Dialogic VOX file |
.zsl |
File Association Manager |
.itc2 |
Dialogic VOX file |
.final |
FretlightVideoPlayer extension |
.fvp |
Chipamp VGM Stream |
.brstm |
Dialogic VOX file |
.xaf |
Dialogic VOX file |
.xmm |
File Association Manager |
.iros |
File Association Manager |
.bashrc |
媒体文件(.xlmv) |
.xlmv |
Dialogic VOX file |
.db4 |
c++ |
.c++ |
h++ |
.h++ |
Геологическая матрица ГИС Панорама |
.mtl |
Dialogic VOX file |
.00 |
mentalray Bit File |
.bit |
iNTERFACEWARE Chameleon Message Definition File |
.vmd |
Dialogic VOX file |
.xba |
Ben Text File |
.ben |
Pensione Fondo VOLO |
.vl |
Spryka Desktop Budget File |
.mnm |
ZaraRadio Rotation |
.rot |
.XLSM file |
.pages |
Sixth Floor Plan |
.pl6 |
MMF2 Document |
.mfw |
KeyShot Document |
.bip |
AS/400 Printer Emulator Customisation |
.tvp |
Go Format |
.go |
3DCC Color Scheme |
.3dc |
Dialogic VOX file |
.mdoc |
Corel Ventura 7.0 Publication |
.vp |
Card Vault Deck File |
.dck |
Dialogic VOX file |
.pdfsd |
Navigator Illustration Case |
.csx |
Text Document |
.gitattributes |
Text Document |
.gitignore |
Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Document |
.pvd |
Newton Problem File |
.pb |
Dialogic VOX file |
.h264/avc |
internet explorer |
.com/ |
媒体文件(.hlv) |
.hlv |
Panja Studio Project File |
.pjs |
File Association Manager |
.properties |
ZOC Commandline |
.zsh |
VentaFax Delivery Schedule File |
.vfs |
Gartrip data file |
.t |
Sailwave Series |
.blw |
.r |
Recording |
.lrc |
EZToon Document |
.ezt |
Dialogic VOX file |
.odccubefile |
Dialogic VOX file |
.odcdatabasefile |
Dialogic VOX file |
.odcnewfile |
Dialogic VOX file |
.odctablefile |
3dsMaxDesign character file |
.chr |
SimpleCoversheet Barcode Template |
.xcs |
Kingsoft Spreadsheets テンプレート |
.ett |
Portrait Professional Project |
.pp |
Task Coach File |
.tsk |
Virtual CD Image |
.xmf |
Imagelys Picture Styles File |
.ips |
LightWave Object |
.lwo |
VUE Map File |
.vue |
Encarta Enzyklopädie Medienverzeichnis |
.mli |
PowerArchiver File |
.002 |
Mathematica Package |
.m |
ATEasy Program |
.pgt |
Bricscad Macro file |
.mcr |
ACOBO File |
.acb |
PageMaker 6.0 Publication |
.pm6 |
ArcSoft Slide Show File |
.mmp |
Expert Witness Format |
.l01 |
Expert Witness Format |
.s01 |
TAO Image |
.tao |
MS4 Map |
.ms |
Microsoft Expression Web 12.0 ASP.NET Server Appli |
.exprwdasax |
Microsoft Expression Web 12.0 ASP.NET Web Service |
.exprwdasmx |
Microsoft Expression Web 12.0 Web Component |
.exprwdbot |
Microsoft Expression Web 12.0 XML Configuration Fi |
.exprwdconfig |
Microsoft Expression Web 12.0 Cascading Style Shee |
.exprwdcss |
Microsoft Expression Web 12.0 Document Library |
.exprwddoclib |
Microsoft Expression Web 12.0 Edited Page |
.exprwdedited |
Microsoft Expression Web 12.0 Home Page Open |
.exprwdhomeop |
Microsoft Expression Web 12.0 Home Page |
.exprwdhomepg |
Microsoft Expression Web 12.0 HTML Document |
.exprwdhtml |
Microsoft Expression Web 12.0 HyperText Template |
.exprwdhtt |
Microsoft Expression Web 12.0 JScript Script File |
.exprwdjs |
Microsoft Expression Web 12.0 Web Package Linkbar |
.exprwdlinkbar |
Microsoft Expression Web 12.0 Web Package List |
.exprwdlist |
Microsoft Expression Web 12.0 Web Package List Dat |
.exprwdlistdata |
Microsoft Expression Web 12.0 ASP.NET Master Page |
.exprwdmaster |
Microsoft Expression Web 12.0 Web Package Navbars |
.exprwdnav |
Microsoft Expression Web 12.0 Don't Publish |
.exprwdnopub |
Microsoft Expression Web 12.0 Open File |
.exprwdopen |
Microsoft Expression Web 12.0 Picture Library |
.exprwdpiclib |
Microsoft Expression Web 12.0 .NET Managed Resourc |
.exprwdresx |
Microsoft Expression Web 12.0 ASP.NET Site Map |
.exprwdsitemap |
Microsoft Expression Web 12.0 ASP.NET Skin File |
.exprwdskin |
Microsoft Expression Web 12.0 Survey |
.exprwdsurvey |
Microsoft Expression Web 12.0 Web Package Theme |
.exprwdtheme |
Microsoft Expression Web 12.0 Text File |
.exprwdtxt |
Microsoft Expression Web 12.0 Unknown |
.exprwdunknown |
Microsoft Expression Web 12.0 Disk Based Web |
.exprwdweb |
Microsoft Expression Web 12.0 Workflow Document Li |
.exprwdwfdoclib |
XML Document |
.exprwdxml |
Microsoft Expression Web 12.0 Workflow |
.exprwdxoml |
Microsoft Expression Web 12.0 XSL Stylesheet |
.exprwdxsl |
Microsoft Expression Web 12.0 XSL Transform |
.exprwdxslt |
OpenMG ファイル |
.omg |
ATRAC ファイル |
.aa3 |
Scrapbook Factory Photo Card |
.sph |
Softex OmniPass Encrypted File |
.opf |
TransCAD Figure |
.fig |
Paradox Report |
.rsl |
Zynewave Podium Project File |
.pod |
CDLS Document |
.stp |
Video file - AVI |
.vp7 |
Starcraft Scenario |
.scm |
Dialogic VOX file |
.tcz |
Reason Published Song File |
.rps |
UltraISO File |
.ui |
SiSoftware Sandra Lite Leistungstest |
.sbx |
Time and Sales File Type |
.ets |
Unstoppable Copier Batch File |
.ucb |
bzip2 Archive |
.bzip2 |
Programmable Stitch Creator PAS |
.pas |
Layout & Editing |
.pes |
家計簿明細 データファイル |
.kix |
RocketBook Title |
.rb |
NewsStand Reader Index File |
.nsi |
Paradox Form |
.fsl |
Principia Hypothetical Document |
.hyp |
JBIG Image |
.jbg |
JBIG Image |
.jbig |
Magick Image File Image |
.miff |
Nokia Multimedia Player file |
.obm |
Password Depot File (.psw) |
.psw |
Vegas Pro Project |
.veg |
Picture Collage Maker File |
.pwp |
Army Builder Roster File |
.rst |
Proximity Dictionary |
.udc |
Content Dispatcher Pack |
.cdp |
BitZipper SWM Archive |
.swm |
StuffIt Archive |
.lzma |
StuffIt ArchiveSearch Criteria file |
.sas |
Simple Sudoku File |
.ss |
TeraByte Image File |
.tbi |
Magick Vector Graphics File |
.mvg |
KaraFun Karaoke File |
.kfn |
AI麻雀 牌譜 |
.amj |
GnuCash Financial Data |
.gnucash |
CGIファイル |
.cgi |
Delphi フォーム |
.dfm |
Delphi パッケージ |
.dpk |
Delphi プロジェクトファイル |
.dpr |
e-Backup archive |
.eba |
Create & Print File |
.clx |
Java HelpSet File |
.hs |
AutoIt v3 Script |
.au3 |
Pocket Word-Dokument-H/PC |
.pwd |
Pocket Word-Vorlage-H/PC |
.pwt |
Groovy.groovy |
.groovy |
Haskell Source File |
.lhs |
Insight Web Book |
.iwb |
C++Builder Package |
.bpk |
Adobe InDesign 郪璃 |
.apln |
Shredder Positions Database |
.epd |
idpkFile |
.idpk |
SView5 - PAM |
.pam |
Record Demo Song File |
.recdemo |
Record Song File |
.record |
InCopy Markup Assignment Package |
.icap |
InCopy Markup Assignment File |
.icma |
InCopy Markup Document |
.icml |
InCopy Markup Template |
.icmt |
InCopy Assignment File |
.inca |
InCopy Document |
.incd |
InCopy Assignment Package |
.incp |
InCopyTemplate |
.inct |
InCopy Interchange Document |
.incx |
workspace file |
.workspace |
File Association Manager |
.pdfs |
WavePad 音声編集ソフト |
.pspscript |
File Association Manager |
.lnst |
File Association Manager |
.abdata |
Adobe InDesign 梓暮僇 |
.idms |
書簽 |
.eto |
マイツールフリーウェア |
.myp |
Softimage Depth File |
.zpic |
Source Insight Recovery File |
.rcv |
.pxml |
Dialogic VOX file |
.ocsmeet |
Quantum File |
.wpso |
File Association Manager |
.inds |
AVRWirelessServices.Document |
.ars |
Video Clip |
.ty |
File Association Manager |
.numbers |
File Association Manager |
.acbl |
File Association Manager |
.aia |
Notepad++ Document |
.f95 |
PHP Script |
.php2 |
WOWSL file |
.wowsl |
Program ALLPlayer |
.cdk |
SAS Enterprise Reporter Batch |
.erb |
MediaFile (.raw) |
.bmq |
File Association Manager |
.c4d |
squashfs Archive |
.squashfs |
EzLog Document |
.ezl |
QuickPlay media file |
.eac3 |
Adobe InDesign 辦豎瑩啎离 |
.indk |
Adobe InDesign 垀剒郪璃 |
.rpln |
IrfanView |
.nsl |
Media Center file |
.bluraydisc |
MediaFile (.raw) |
.cine |
MediaFile (.raw) |
.kc2 |
Reason The Echo Patch File |
.echo |
Reason Alligator Patch File |
.gator |
Reason Pulveriser Patch File |
.pulver |
Reason Song File |
.reason |
Reason Essentials Song File |
.ree |
Reason Essentials Demo Song File |
.reedemo |
Reason Limited Song File |
.rltd |
Reason Demo Song File |
.rsndemo |
URL:Eye Protocol |
.eye |
Adobe InDesign 坶恅璃 |
.idlk |
WinSQL ER Diagram |
.wer |
EasyBCD recovery & stage files |
.efi |
Autopano File |
.pano |
DesignCAD 2D Ascii Drawing |
.dc2 |
Altium Script Document |
.tcl |
EO Font File |
.dfont |
LSM Bild |
.j |
LSM Bild |
.wap |
DiagramStudio Document |
.dsd |
AudioSoft Parameter File |
.aip |
PvEditorで編集可能なユーザーオリジナルファイル |
.pvp |
File Association Manager |
.pset |
Newton Experiment File |
.ex |
Mac Disk Image File |
.sparseimage |
F ファイル |
.f |
F90 ファイル |
.f90 |
FOR ファイル |
.for |
ArchiCAD Window Library Part |
.win |
Adobe Download Manager file |
.aom |
fat Archive |
.fat |
ntfs Archive |
.ntfs |
.pspframe |
.pspmask |
.pspshape |
.psptube |
Text Document |
.conf |
alpha5 Document |
.adb |
jGRASP VHDL file |
.vhdl |
LaTeX Style |
.sty |
Text Document |
.v |
Blu-ray playlist file |
.bdmv |
Cubase 5 Effect Bank File |
.fxb |
X Ship Package |
.xsp |
BitZipper TXZ Archive |
.txz |
BitZipper XZ Archive |
.xz |
RubyW File |
.rbw |
PhotoSuite Image |
.kqp |
4DEmbroidery.Document.1 |
.vp3 |
Subtitle file |
.sami |
Freecell 2006 Finished Game |
.f2k |
Chat File |
.chat |
SpaceTime 4.0 File |
.st |
GAMS IDE project |
.gpr |
AutoHotkey Script |
.ahk |
Broderbund Envelope Type |
.env |
BackWeb InfoPak Preview File |
.bwp |
Microsoft Press Interactive Training Bookmark |
.cbl |
BackWeb Channel Registration File |
.iad |
jZip archive file |
.gzip |
Identity File |
.rft |
Kindle Content |
.tpz |
CrazyTalk4 Script File |
.cts |
IrfanView SFW File |
.sfw |
Adobe WorkFlow Files |
.awf |
Vegas Movie Studio Platinum 9.0 |
.vf |
Greeting Card Factory T-Shirt |
.fts |
OpenRaster Image |
.ora |
Windows Media Player |
.lex |
CPIO archive |
.cpio |
DEB package |
.deb |
UDF package |
.hfs |
ACDSee Pro 3 RS Bild |
.rsb |
FotoPrinter Project |
.fpp |
Kantaris Video File |
.viv |
Expression Encoder Screen Capture File |
.xesc |
MediaCenter.15.Pack |
.mjs |
qwpfile |
.pfl |
VT Transaction+ Template |
.vtt |
AVS Media Player Datei |
.gvi |
Inno Setup Script |
.iss |
Adobe After Effects Project |
.aep |
Adobe After Effects XML Project |
.aepx |
Adobe After Effects Project Template |
.aet |
Adobe Illustrator Template |
.ait |
Adobe Bridge Collection File |
.collection |
Adobe After Effects Preset |
.ffx |
Microsoft Visual FoxPro Compiled Program |
.fxp |
InDesign Markup Assignment Package |
.idap |
InDesign Markup Document |
.idml |
InDesign Book |
.indb |
InDesign Document |
.indd |
InDesign Asset Library |
.indl |
InDesign Assignment Package |
.indp |
InDesignTemplate |
.indt |
WinRAR archive |
.tbz2 |
WinZip Zipx File |
.zipx |
Microsoft Visual FoxPro Program |
.prg |
Registration Entries |
.key |
WinRAR archive |
.lha |
Microsoft Project Database File (MPD) |
.mpd |
Text Document |
.scp |
Microsoft Works Database |
.wdb |
Microsoft Works Spreadsheet |
.xlr |
Text Document |
.log |
Visual Watermark Template |
.vwm4 |
Adobe After Effects Graphic |
.aegraphic |
WPS Presentation Outward Document |
.dpso |
WPS Presentation Security Document |
.dpss |
WPS Writer Security Document |
.wpss |
Dialogic VOX file |
.pmbk |
Windows Media Player |
.log-2018124 |
Adobe After Effects Project |
.aecap |
LightBurn |
.lbrn |
Reason Intro Song File |
.rei |
Reason Intro Demo Song File |
.reidemo |
Reason Lite Song File |
.relt |
Reason Lite Demo Song File |
.reltdemo |
IPython Notebook File |
.ipynb |
Citrix Online Launch Action (build 109) |
.citrixonline |
File Association Manager |
.smrd |
File Association Manager |
.smwt |
Notepad++ Document |
.cmake |
.xproj |
File Association Manager |
.pages-tef |
File Association Manager |
.prst |
File Association Manager |
.numbers-tef |
File Association Manager |
.flst |
File Association Manager |
.idpp |
File Association Manager |
.inms |
File Association Manager |
.key-tef |
WPS Presentation Document |
.dpsx |
Zoom Recording File |
.zoom |
Zoom Launcher - 3.0.1 |
.zoommtg |
Media Center file |
.bdmv3d |
GoToMeeting Action |
.g2m |
File Association Manager |
.aetx |
File Association Manager |
.a2l |
File Association Manager |
.caff |
File Association Manager |
.enex |
File Association Manager |
.dcst |
Dialogic VOX file |
.bivx |
Dialogic VOX file |
.svq3 |
File Association Manager |
.vdr |
Euphoria Windows App |
.exw |
Blu-ray 3D Video File |
.ssif |
Media Center file |
.rtmp |
Adobe Idea File |
.idea |
GoToMeeting Action |
.gotomeeting |
Video file |
.avm |
Media Center file |
.sacd |
Free Opener association |
.dropbox |
Reason Rack Extension Patch File |
.repatch |
IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition |
.gradle |
Dialogic VOX file |
.gxanimations |
InDesign UXPScript |
.idjs |
TaiPing Security PDF Document |
.tppdf |
ZSTD アーカイブ |
.zstd |
GoToMeeting Action |
.gotomeeting19950 |
Dialogic VOX file |
.icst |
ImageGlass QOI File |
.qoi |
Dialogic VOX file |
.cetrainer |
Windows Media Player |
.pspworkspace |
VST3 patch |
.vstpreset |
Program AuViD_IA8x01 |
.auproj |
Dialogic VOX file |
.mceditoraddon |
Dialogic VOX file |
.mcproject |
Dialogic VOX file |
.vlfteg2582242523fc10034da40c895f357af7e2b1d2a442 |
Dialogic VOX file |
.ruproj |
Dialogic VOX file |
.popular |
Dialogic VOX file |
.ppc_encrypted |
Dialogic VOX file |
.cipo |
Dialogic VOX file |
.psdc |
Dialogic VOX file |
.citrixonline533 |
Dialogic VOX file |
.gotoopener |
Dialogic VOX file |
.gotoopener533 |
Dialogic VOX file |
.apk_auto_file |
Dialogic VOX file |
.powerstarter-registry |
MediaCenter.32.Mime |
.mc32mime |
Dialogic VOX file |
.hdm_encrypted |
Dialogic VOX file |
.dddl |
Dialogic VOX file |
.shapr |
Dialogic VOX file |
.winget |
GoToMeeting Action |
.gotomeeting19992 |
Dialogic VOX file |
.fppx |
Dialogic VOX file |
.haml |
Dialogic VOX file |
.kx |
Dialogic VOX file |
.ob2 |
Dialogic VOX file |
.citrixonline494 |
Dialogic VOX file |
.gotoopener494 |
Dialogic VOX file |
.log-2018125 |
Dialogic VOX file |
.mig11 |
Dialogic VOX file |
.agent |
Dialogic VOX file |
.copilot |
Dialogic VOX file |
.da_encrypted |
Dialogic VOX file |
.inlx |
Dialogic VOX file |
.mgjson |
Cognos Transformer Model (Compiled) |
.pyi |
Dialogic VOX file |
.toml |
LightBurn |
.lbrn2 |