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File Extension - Detail

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File Extension - Application Detail

Open files with XML Editor - msoxmled.exe

XML Editor
Microsoft Corporation

Open Extension With:

Name Extension
XML Document .xml
XML Document .rels
Renishaw Productivity+ Custom Macro Schema .renms
iTunes Music Player .plist
Renishaw Productivity+ Custom Macro .rencm
dat .dat
XML Schema File .xsd
XSL Stylesheet .xsl
Laszlo XML .lzx
Relax NG Compact Syntax Schema .rnc
Relax NG Full Syntax Schema .rng
NewsManager File .ent
Fichier découpé avec Xtremsplit .xtm
XLIFF Translation File .xlf
XML Document Type Definition .dtd
Windows Live Mail Mail Message .rss
Outlook Item .msg
VLC media file (.vob) .vob
SureThing Office Labeler design .dsn
Microsoft Office Excel Worksheet .xlsx
InfoRapid KnowledgeMap .ikm
VLC media file (.bin) .bin
Microsoft Office Excel 97-2003 Worksheet .xls
Adobe Illustrator Artwork 14.0 .ai
Citrix ICA Client .ica
Max JSON .json
IconDeveloper File .dll
OST Package File .ost
Encapsulated PostScript .eps
ASP.NET Server Page .aspx
Dialogic VOX file .manifest
Compressed (zipped) Folder .zip
AutoCAD DXF Image .dxf
MHTML Document .mht
DWG TrueView Drawing .dwg
MicroStation DGN File .dgn
Google SketchUp Model .skp
Microsoft Office Excel 97-2003 Worksheet .xlb
Microsoft Office Excel Comma Separated Values File .csv
Autodesk Revit Family .rfa
Autodesk Revit Project .rvt
CDLS Document .stp
IGES Files .igs
Nemetschek Allplan File .ifc
CadFaster|QuickStep File .iges
CadFaster|QuickStep File .step
Roll back file .trb
File Association Manager .ifcxml
File Association Manager .ifczip
WinRAR archive .gz
Microsoft Office Word Document .docx
Microsoft Works Word Processor .wps
Cascading Style Sheet Document .css
JScript Script File .js
HTML Document .htm
XSL Transform .xslt
Microsoft Office Word 97 - 2003 Document .doc
MHTML Document .mhtml
PHP Script .php
HTML Document .html
WinRAR archive .rar
XML Document .mcml
Infrared Library .cml
Firefox Document .xhtml
Firefox Document .shtml
Microsoft Office Excel Macro-Enabled Worksheet .xlsm
Microsoft Office PowerPoint Presentation .pptx
Firefox Document .xht
HTML Document .shtm
Thunderbird Document .eml
Chrome HTML Document .mhtm
JPEG Image .jpg
Microsoft Office Publisher Document .pub
iCalendar File .ics
Rich Text Format .rtf
Microsoft Works Spreadsheet .xlr
Icon .ico
Active Server Page .asp
File Association Manager .laccdb
Microsoft Office Excel Macro-Enabled Template .xltm
VLC media file (.ifo) .ifo
Adobe Photoshop Image 11 .psd
Microsoft Office PowerPoint 97-2003 Slide Show .pps
Text Document .txt
PNG Image .png
MSInfo Configuration File .nfo
PHP3 Script .php3
Dialogic VOX file .exp
Microsoft Office PowerPoint 97-2003 Presentation .ppt
Outlook Data File .pst
iEPGファイル(PL) .pl
S/MIME File .p7m
Application .exe
CGIファイル .cgi
XPS Document .oxps
Adobe Acrobat Document .pdf
Text Document .log
MASM Listing .lst
SmartDraw Drawing .sdr
File Association Manager .nk2
Installer Package .air
Adobe Acrobat Forms Document .xfdf
ASF Stream Description File .asd
WebP Image .webp
Google Earth KML .kml
Google Earth KMZ .kmz
DITA Document .dita
Adobe.DigitalEditions File .epub
Guide Letter or Document .gdoc
Dialogic VOX file .ex_
Adobe Acrobat PDFXML Document .pdfxml
FreeFileViewer TMP File .tmp
Microsoft Office Access 2007 Database .accdb
Microsoft Office Access Application .mdb
Configuration Settings .ini
Contact File .contact
Microsoft Office Document Imaging File .tif
There Login Data .tlg
IrfanView HEIC File .heic
Microsoft Office Excel Binary Worksheet .xlsb
Quattro Pro X3-Arbeitsmappe .qpw
JPEG Image .jpeg
MPEG-2 Transport Stream .tsa
Assembler Source .s
SVG Document .svg
Neat Data File .nwdb
RIS Formatted File .ris
Microsoft Office Excel Template .xltx
OpenDocument Spreadsheet .ods
Quicken QDF data file .qdf
GIMP image .xcf
Palm Database File .pdb
Headerless RAW Waveform .raw
Dialogic VOX file .art
.XLSM file .pages
PostScript File .ps
Legacy Search Query File .fnd
Vectric License file .vlicence
Visual Basic Source file .vb
Write Document .wri
PicoScope data file .psdata
WinRAR archive .7z
PowerISO File .nrg
EFILive V8 Compressed Tune File .ctz
Dialogic VOX file .scc
VisiTrax Library .ldb
Quicken OFX data .qfx
Nero Digital(TM) Files .nd
Envisioneer 4.0 Express .bld
WinZip File .img
Safari Extension .webarchive
XPS Document .xps
TurboTax 2015 Document .tax2015
Windows Media Player .bup
Windows Media Player .sfcache
TurboTax 2021 Document .tax2021
JNLP File .jnlp
Visual C# Source file .cs
Include File .inc
Microsoft Office Access Template .accdt
Web Service Description Language .wsdl
TurboTax 2018 Document .tax2018
TRL Document .t17
Dialogic VOX file .ext
GameSpy Arcade Custom Service .apk
WinWAP for Windows .wml
XML File .uddi
Safari Download .download
Open Financial Exchange File .ofx
WordPerfect X3-Dokument .wpd
WinRAR archive .z
vCalendar File .vcs
File Association Manager .ds_store
Dialogic VOX file .tab
Dialogic VOX file .tsv
WeBuilder Document .rhtml
Active Server Document .jsp
qwpfile .pfl
HP Printer Control Language .prn
XML Document .xml-backup
Microsoft Backup File .bkf
Quicken Import File .qif
PHP file .phtml
Flash AS Communication File .asc
Codelobster Document .clpprj
Codelobster Document .module
PHP script file .php5
File Association Manager .numbers
Microsoft Visio Document .vsdx
Primtext-Bibliothek .pab
Microsoft Works Database .wdb
Microsoft Office PowerPoint Slide Show .ppsx
Java Language Source file .java
Makefile .mk
VBScript Script File .vbs
Visual Basic Module .bas
Microsoft Rights Managed HTML Document .rpmsg
Dialogic VOX file .in_
Trade Manager File Type .trm
Dialogic VOX file .sol
GPS Exchange Format .gpx
IGSS configuration .elm
Dialogic VOX file .pip
backup File .bak
Windows Media Player .studio3
vCard File .vcf
Microsoft SQL Server Query File .sql
Macromedia Flash Paper .mfp
Export Definition File .def
Text Document .dic
C Source .c
SWF Movie .swf
PowerISO File .wim
{D71BD573-AD49-43C8-8BD6-C05186919EAA} .bfg
Quattro Pro X3-Arbeitsmappe .wb3
QuickBooks Import/Export File .iif
QuickBooks OFX data .qbo
Media Catalog File .mml
FTM Family File 2009 .ftm
Open Virtualization Format Distribution Package .ova
Microsoft Office Project Document .mpp
Makefile .mak
Microsoft Office Excel Template .xlt
Microsoft Visual FoxPro Table .dbf
TurboTax 2013 Document .tax2013
TurboTax 2016 Document .tax2016
Windows Media Player .eml[1]
Amaya Files .xtd
Amaya Files .xtl
Windows Media Player .aw
File Association Manager .crtx
AutoCorrect List File .acl
Kindle Content .mobi
VASSAL Module .vmod
4DEmbroidery.Document.1 .vp3
dav Document .dav
Partial Download .partial
アルバムビューアー 配布用アルバムファイル .aae
TurboTax 2014 Document .tax2014
VLC media file (.flv) .flv
Executable Jar File .jar
Compiled Resource Script .res
Video Clip .avi
GIF Image .gif
PICT Image .pic
PLS Audio Playlist .pls
GEDCOM file .ged
Windows Media Player .lex
Microsoft Money file .mny
Quicken QDF backup data file .qdf-backup
InDesign XML Interchange Document .inx
C/C++ Header .h
C++ Source .cpp
NoiseTracker Module .nst
Microsoft Visual Studio Solution .sln
TurboTax 2017 Document .tax2017
TurboTax 2019 Document .tax2019
File Association Manager .crdownload
LSM Bild .emz
QuickTitler Document .etl
Dialogic VOX file .usr
XFDL Document .xfdl
Mathematica Package .m
Windows Media Player .xlsmhtml
Disk Image .do
T03 File .t03
Business Card Maker 32 Document .bcd
File Association Manager .mso
UV-5R Radio Data .uv5r
TurboTax 2020 Document .tax2020
Windows Media Player .849c9593-d756-4e56-8d6e-42412f2a707b
LoxoneConfig.Document .backup
VentaFax Delivery Schedule File .vfs
Registration Entries .key
Adobe Fireworks JSF File .jsf
OpenDocument Drawing .odg
IrfanView DCM File .dcm
Stick Figure File .stk
TheSpringBox Widget .sbw
Print Shop Project .pdg
VLC media file (.webm) .webm
Virtual CloneDrive .dvd
1-2-3 Worksheet .wk4
ACDSee Pro 3 JPEG Bild .thm
DirectX X-File .x
Lua Program .lua
COREL Texture .tex
HTML Document .xhtm
WinRAR archive .tar
Python File .py
StarOffice 5.0 表計算ドキュメント .sdc
Adobe Content Server Message .acsm
Sibelius Scorch Score .sco
Sibelius Score .sib
Wireshark capture file .enc
Microsoft Office Access Runtime Application .accdr
Able RAWer (TIFF) .dcr
Able RAWer (TIFF) .cr2
Flash ActionScript File .as
TrueType Font file .ttf
ProcMon Log File .pml
Bitmap Image .bmp
C++ Source .cxx
Cabinet File .cab
C++ Source .cc
C/C++ Header .hpp
C/C++ Header .hxx
Crystal Reports .rpt
Resource Script .rc
MP4 Video .mp4
File Association Manager .aba
Slick-C Header File .sh
Utimaco SafeGuard® PrivateDisk Volume .vol
Notepad++ Document .bsh
Notepad++ Document .f95
Notepad++ Document .mx
LSM Bild .pm
Freecell 2006 Finished Game .f2k
F ファイル .f
F90 ファイル .f90
FOR ファイル .for
Avery DesignPro Document .zdp
PowerArchiver File .003
NSIS Header File .nsh
NewsStand Reader Index File .nsi
FTW Family File .ftw
PageMaker Publication .pmd
Programmable Stitch Creator PAS .pas
QTravel Project File .itm
OmniForm Form .ofm
Paradox Table .db
WhereIsIt? Catalog Group File .ctg
Netlist .sdf
Xtivity Site Mangement File .xft
Mozilla XUL Document .xul
EP .ep
Livedrive online file .ld
Hallmark Card Studio Project .hmk
File Association Manager .itc2
DFU File .dfu
RSLogix 5000 XML File .l5x
XRAY Document .xrw
Windows Media Player .hpdata
Note Radio Data .note
Windows Media Player .txtdt
File Association Manager .pkpass
Windows Media Player .v264
JetForm Form .jdt
File Association Manager .avery
CorVu Graph .cvg
Dialogic VOX file .gpi
TimePassages Chart File .chw
OpenDocument Text .odt
Setup Information .inf
Microsoft Office Word 97 - 2003 Template .dot
CD Audio Track .cda
XML Configuration File .config
VLC media file (.ogv) .ogv
Microsoft Visio Drawing .vsd
Windows Backup Catalog File .wbcat
XML Data Reduced Schema .xdr
Nero BackItUp 情報ファイル .nbi
Microsoft Schedule+ Application .sch
WinZip Zipx File .zipx
avast! license file .avastlic
PowerISO File .mdf
OpenDocument Master Document .odm 1.1 Drawing Template .std
Microsoft Streets and Trips Map .est
Microsoft Money backup file .mbf
IrfanView DJVU File .djvu
Broderbund Craft .cft
Panorama .xxx
MediaCenter.15.Pack .mjs
DYMO Label File .label
MD5 Checksum File .md5
Tax File .tax
Windows Media Player .database_uuid
Windows Media Player .thumbdata4--1967290299
DEB package .deb
ACDSee Pro 3 MEF Bild .mef
QuickBooks Company Backup File .qbb
QuickBooks Company File .qbw
PGP Private Keyring .skr
GCD Image .gcd
Text Document .cfg
Scrap object .shs
ACDSee Pro 2.5 SRF Bild .sr2
Able RAWer (TIFF) .arw
Media Center file .bpl
E-Transcript File .ptx
CD-ROM (SecurDisc) Compilation .nbs
Broderbund Calendar .cal
Broderbund Poster Type .sig
CD-LabelPrint Document .cld
SPSS Data Document .sav
Microsoft Excel XML Worksheet .xlxml
OpenDocument Spreadsheet Template .ots
WinRAR archive .tgz
Able RAWer (TIFF) .x3f
Able RAWer (TIFF) .raf
Able RAWer (TIFF) .mrw
ACDSee Pro 2.5 NEF Bild .nef
Able RAWer (TIFF) .orf
Able RAWer (TIFF) .pef
MPEG-4 Audio File (Protected) .m4b
iTunes Database File .itdb
IrfanView EXR File .exr
SMIL Multimedia Presentation .smi
Adobe ColdFusion File .cfm
PowerISO File .dmg
Broderbund Envelope Type .env
PagePlus Dokument .ppp
Vuze Download .torrent
Wireless Bitmap Image .wbmp
WildTangent PNG File .wpg
XEVGENXML File .xevgenxml
Microsoft Works Spreadsheet .wks
Windows Live Movie Maker Project .wlmp
Adobe Acrobat XML Data Package File .xdp
Server Response File .srf
Wireshark capture file .erf
Wireshark capture file .cap
XrML Digital License .xrm-ms
Able RAWer (TIFF) .crw
Able RAWer (TIFF) .dng
Microsoft Works Database .bdb
Microsoft Works Spreadsheet .bks
Adobe Acrobat Forms Document .fdf
Preprocessed C/C++ Source .i
Microsoft Office OneNote Section .one
Microsoft Office PowerPoint Macro-Enabled Presenta .pptm
QuickTime Movie .mov
Microsoft Office Document Imaging File .mdi
QuickPractice Backup .qpb
NOMEDIA File .nomedia
Windows Media Player .log-20181027
XML Document .macros
XML Document .scripts
XML Document .steps
MaxView Secure Image Format .msif
XRAY Document .skv
pomqmV3 Document .rel
Macromedia Director Protected Cast .cxt
Dialogic VOX file .axd
使手帳 .nbf
InPage Document .inp
WinWAP for Windows .wmlc
Обменный текстовый формат векторной карты .txf
SecretHolderによって暗号化されたファイルです。 .shx
E Draw Layout File .diy
Геологическая матрица ГИС Панорама .mtl
Pages3D Document .qsd
Animal Database .gpd
CLF Distribution file .cf2
TurboTax 2010 Document .tax2010
ARCHITREND ビフォーアフター .rfm
Dialogic VOX file .final
ArcGIS Toolbox Package .tpk
Windows 10 Manager splitted file! .0001
TRUMPF-Flg .flg
Digital Waveform File .so
IBM Lotus Notes database .nsf
InfoStore node file .isn
Data .data
Saved Previous Version of Document .bk
PassManager Password Database .spm
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File .11
Pro/ENGINEER Versioned File .2
PC5 Map File .pvm
SDR Patch File .ptc
StatView Dataset File .svd
ACT! E-mail Message .det
M1 File .m1
Dialogic VOX file .resx
Exam Document .ef
STARFAX 送付状 .cvr
Scheduled Download List .dnl
Vbox Helper Application .box
Pagis Electronic Document .lwp
CaseMap Send To Plug In .cmp
Netscape Theme or Extension Package .xpi
Subtitle File .idx
File Association Manager .easm
SolidWorks Part Document .sldprt
WDL Script .wdl
ToolBook II Book .tbk
PowerArchiver File .002
Layout & Editing .pes
KMP - SRT Subtitle File .srt
Dialogic VOX file .man
Dialogic VOX file .dir
Dialogic VOX file .dl_
Dialogic VOX file .tlb
Raven Shield Map Files .rsm
Retrospect Catalog .rbc
Dialogic VOX file .aps
Dialogic VOX file .dbg
筆王住所録ファイル .fzd
AutoCAD Sheet Set .dst
Windows Media Player .mapimail
DocuWorks文書 .xdw
ATEasy System .sys
AutoTRAX Design Express Part .part
XFDL Document .xfd
Dialogic VOX file .odc
OrCAD Capture Lite Edition 9.20 .olb
Meta Media Video E-Mail .vem
BEF image format .bef
alpha5 Document .adb
Windows Media Player .docmhtml
Panda3D applet .p3d
Gradekeeper Class .grk
AxCrypt Security Wrapped .axx
ExitReality Scene .dae
MyDatabase Document .edb
MixVibes Document .vib
RealOne Metafile .rom
Windows Media Player .pnf
ANSYS .tin File .tin
ABXDOC File Type .abx
Sealed Word Document .sdocx
Archive .zlib
Dragon UnPACKer 5 Archive .lzp
Digital audio file .wfp
Discus Art Database .opc
TRL Document .t13
TRL Document .t14
TRL Document .t16
scilab-5.1.1 Application .graph
Web.Location .webloc
Windows Media Player .lnk
Delta Processing List .list
Preview Systems mbox File .mbox
Topocad Traverse Data .trv
Dialogic VOX file .appinstaller
File Association Manager .pit
File Association Manager .textclipping
Acrobat User Interface .aaui
Microsoft Localization Studio .lcx
PicoDiagnostics Data file .pddata
TurboTax 2011 Document .tax2011
Outlook Bar Shortcuts .fav
Crash Dump File .dmp
ASP.NET Generic Handler .ashx
Windows Media Audio/Video playlist .asx
Adobe Acrobat Batch PDX files .bpdx
WinRAR archive .ace
Microsoft Office Document Imaging File .tiff
Microsoft Word Backup Document .wbk
Internet Shortcut .url
Microsoft Digital Image Document .mix
Audio PlayList .xpl
Artweaver Gradient .grd
AutoCAD Menu Template .mnu 1.1 Spreadsheet .sxc 1.1 Text Document .sxw
Guitar Pro Tablature .gtp
Broderbund Label .lbl
XMind Workbook .xmind
Internet Communication Settings .ins
HTML File .action
QuickBooks Accountant Transfer File .qbx
1-2-3 Worksheet .wk1
TurboTax 2023 Document .tax2023

Browse File Extensions

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